
The place where our html files and assets will live!

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


The place where our html files and assets will live!

Chico-acm.com is designed as a place to put all the assets and markdown for any pages we want to host. We're focused mainly on algorithms, so I'll take care of all the hosting and routes and static assets and all of that nonsense! In order to reduce the workload on me however I ask you follow the contribution guides below! Feel free to ping me on slack! (you can sign up on chicoacm.slack.com with your @mail.csuchico.edu account)

Thanks! ~ Matt

A note on Markdown:

In order to make contributing as easy as possible, we're going to use github-flavored markdown. This is the same format that this README.md uses itself! There are a few things you need to know about markdown:

Triple ticks indicate a preformatted block, useful for code. You can change the highlighting by putting the language immediately after the first set of ticks:


def foo: return bar

(quotes are for example only)

will produce:

def foo:
  return bar

Links can be imbedded with this syntax: [link text](https://url/for/link)

Images can be imbedded with the following syntax ![short text description](https://link/to/image)

And you can always use regular old html (as long as not scripts, cdns, etc, stylesheets, and all of that jazz)

More info on markdown can be found here!

Contribution guidelines:

To submit your content to chico-acm.com I ask you do the following:

  1. Keep it clean. No NSFW text, images, links, etc.

  2. Make your additions in a fork on your github account, and submit a pull request with ONLY your new files in it. Any pull requests that have changes to files that aren't yours will be promplty rejected

  3. Make your writeup is a single page of markdown, you can include links, images, and code and go on as long as you want

  4. All images are referenced relatively to an image file you include in the /images directory. like ![hello world image](/images/hello_world.jpg)

![hello world image](/images/hello-world.jpg)

Use common sense when posting, I will use my own judgement when determing what to post, but this is for ACM-related materials. Nothing advertising products, personal or political beliefs, or any solicitation will be permitted. Just algorithms. Any discussion can happen in the slack channel, no comments here!