
Beautiful and easy Pie Chart for iOS

JPieChart is a best Pie Chart for displaying. It's written for iOS, in Swift (UIKit, not SwiftUI).

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Copy the JPieChart folder to your XCode projects


  1. Add a UIView to your interface

  2. In the Identiy Inspector, change Class to JPieChart

  3. Make IBOutlet @IBOutlet weak var pieChart : JPieChart!

  4. Add Sets with values and colors. (mentioned below)

     pieChart.addChartData(data: [
         JPieChartDataSet(percent: 20, colors: [UIColor.purpleishBlueThree,UIColor.brightLilac]),
         JPieChartDataSet(percent: 20, colors: [UIColor.darkishPink,UIColor.lightSalmon]),
         JPieChartDataSet(percent: 20, colors: [UIColor.dustyOrange,UIColor.lightMustard]),
         JPieChartDataSet(percent: 0.5, colors: [UIColor.greenyBlue,UIColor.hospitalGreen])      
     pieChart.lineWidth = 0.85


  • The pie chart is best and easy library that can display pie charts as per your requirement. Generating chart with beautiful animation and as such resize automatically without loosing quality
  • Feel free to use in your projects. A mention would be appreciated.
  • Feel free to clone, download, create pull requests etc. I'm open to expanding functionality and improving where necessary.

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