
Cocos2d-x in-app purchase & virtual economy library. Part of The SOOMLA Framework - for game design, economy modeling and faster development.

Primary LanguageC++

This project is a part of The SOOMLA Framework, which is a series of open source initiatives with a joint goal to help mobile game developers do more together. SOOMLA encourages better game design, economy modeling, social engagement, and faster development.

Haven't you ever wanted an in-app purchase one liner that looks like this ?!

soomla::CCStoreInventory::sharedStoreInventory()->buyItem("[itemId]", NULL);


The master branch supports cocos2d-x v3.x. For cocos2d-x v2.x use cocos2dx-v2 branch.

Draw your attention this page covers integration of C++ based solutions. If you need information regarding JS solution follow the link: https://github.com/soomla/cocos2dx-store/wiki/jsb#cocos2dx-store

April 1st, 2015: v4.5 Event handlers replaced with Cocos2d-x event system (needs core update as well)

March 16, 2015: v4.4 Better integration for all Soomla modules in Cocos2d-x (needs core update as well)

December 3rd, 2014: Migrating Amazon IAP from v1.0 to v2.0. Read the instructions carefully!

December 01, 2014: v4.3.0 Work Without a Device! when working without a device, data is saved to UserDefault, you cannot test in-app purchases without a device

September 15, 2014: CCNonConsumableItem class was removed. To create a non-consumable item, define it as CCLifeTimeVG with a CCPurchaseWithMarket in your iStoreAssets implementation.

Aug 30, 2014: Re-Arranged project structure and optimized integration process.

May 30, 2014: Support Amazon Billing Provider.

February 4, 2014: Added support for js-bindings.

October 28, 2013: iOS server side verification is added. This feature is not activated by default. learn more

cocos2dx-store is the Cocos2d-x flavor of SOOMLA's Store Module.

Economy Model

SOOMLA's Economy Model

Example Project

A simple example project to show you some basic usage of cocos2dx-store: http://github.com/soomla/cocos2dx-store-example

This example is still under development but it can give you a taste of the important aspects of the framework.


####Pre baked zip:

Getting Started (With pre-built libraries)

If you want to develop with sources, refer to the Working with sources section below

If you didn't do that already, clone the Cocos2d-x framework from here or download it from the Cocos2d-x website. Make sure the version you clone is supported by cocos2dx-store (the tag is the version).

  1. Clone soomla-cocos2dx-core and cocos2dx-store into the extensions folder located at the root of your Cocos2d-x framework.

    $ git clone git@github.com:soomla/soomla-cocos2dx-core.git extensions/soomla-cocos2dx-core
    $ git clone git@github.com:soomla/cocos2dx-store.git extensions/cocos2dx-store
  2. cocos2dx-store uses a fork of the jansson library for json parsing, clone it into the external directory at the root of your cocos2d-x framework.

    $ git clone git@github.com:soomla/jansson.git external/jansson
  3. Create your own implementation of CCStoreAssets in order to describe your specific game's assets (example).

  4. Make sure to include the Cocos2dxStore.h header whenever you use any of the cocos2dx-store functions:

    #include "Cocos2dxStore.h"
  5. Initialize CCSoomla and CCSoomlaStore with the class you just created, a customSecret and other params:

    __Dictionary *storeParams = __Dictionary::create();
    storeParams->setObject(__String::create("ExamplePublicKey"), "androidPublicKey");
    storeParams->setObject(__Bool::create(true), "testPurchases");
    soomla::CCSoomlaStore::initialize(assets, storeParams);
    • Custom Secret - is an encryption secret you provide that will be used to secure your data. Choose the secret wisely. You can't change them after you launch your game!
    • Android Public Key - is the public key given to you from Google. (iOS doesn't have a public key).
    • Test Purchases - allows testing IAP on Google Play. (iOS doesn't have this functionality).

    Initialize CCSoomlaStore ONLY ONCE when your application loads.

  6. You'll need to subscribe to store events to get notified about in-app purchasing related events. refer to the Event Handling section for more information.

The next steps are different for the different platforms.

Instructions for iOS

In your XCode project, perform following steps:

  1. Add jansson (external/jansson/) to your project (just add it as a source folder, make sure to check "create group").

  2. For the following XCode projects:

  • Cocos2dXCore.xcodeproj (extensions/soomla-cocos2dx-core/).

  • Cocos2dXStore.xcodeproj (extensions/cocos2dx-store/).

    1. Drag them to your project.
    2. Add their targets to your Build Phases->Target Dependencies.
    3. Add the *.a of these projects to Build Phases->Link Binary With Libraries.
  1. Add the following directories to Build Settings->Header Search Paths (with recursive option):

This article assumes you have a cocos2d folder under your project folder and which either contains the Cocos2d-x framework, or links to to its root folder

  • $(SRCROOT)/../cocos2d/extensions/soomla-cocos2dx-core/Soomla
  • $(SRCROOT)/../cocos2d/extensions/soomla-cocos2dx-core/build/ios/headers
  • $(SRCROOT)/../cocos2d/extensions/cocos2dx-store/Soomla
  1. Add -ObjC to your project Build Setting->Other Linker Flags.

  2. Make sure you have these 3 Frameworks linked to your XCode project: Security, libsqlite3.0.dylib, StoreKit.

That's it! Now all you have to do is build your XCode project and run your game with cocos2dx-store.

Instructions for Android

  1. Import cocos2dx-store module into your project's Android.mk by adding the following:

    LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES += cocos2dx_store_static        # add this line along with your other LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES
    $(call import-module, extensions/cocos2dx-store) # add this line at the end of the file, along with the other import-module calls
  2. Add the following jars from to your android project's classpath:

    • from extensions/soomla-cocos2dx-core/build/android

      1. SoomlaAndroidCore.jar
      2. Cocos2dxAndroidCore.jar
      3. square-otto-1.3.2.jar
    • from extensions/cocos2dx-store/build/android

      1. SoomlaAndroidStore.jar
      2. Cocos2dxAndroidStore.jar
  3. Update your AndroidManifest.xml to include permissions and the SoomlaApp:

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="com.android.vending.BILLING"/>
    <application ...
  4. The following steps should be done according to the target billing service:

Google Play
  1. Add AndroidStoreGooglePlay.jar from extensions/cocos2dx-store/build/android/billing-services/google-play to your classpath:

  2. Update your AndroidManifest.xml:

    <uses-permission android:name="com.android.vending.BILLING"/>
    <application ...
        <activity android:name="com.soomla.store.billing.google.GooglePlayIabService$IabActivity"
        <meta-data android:name="billing.service" android:value="google.GooglePlayIabService" />
  1. Add in-app-purchasing-2.0.1.jar and AndroidStoreAmazon.jar from extensions/cocos2dx-store/build/android/billing-services/amazon to your classpath:

  2. Update your manifest:

    <receiver android:name = "com.amazon.device.iap.ResponseReceiver" >
        <action android:name = "com.amazon.inapp.purchasing.NOTIFY"
                android:permission = "com.amazon.inapp.purchasing.Permission.NOTIFY" />
    <meta-data android:name="billing.service" android:value="amazon.AmazonIabService" />

That's it! Don't forget to run the build_native.sh script so cocos2dx-store sources will be built with cocos2d-x.

(optional on Android and Google Play) Starting IAB Service in the background

If you have your own storefront implemented inside your game, it's recommended that you open the IAB Service in the background when the store opens and close it when the store is closed.


// Start Iab Service

// Stop Iab Service

Don't forget to close the Iab Service when your store is closed. You don't have to do this at all, this is just an optimization.

And that's it! You now have storage and in-app purchasing capabilities.

What's next? In App Purchasing.

When we implemented modelV3, we were thinking about ways that people buy things inside apps. We figured out many ways you can let your users purchase items in your game and we designed the new modelV3 to support 2 of them: CCPurchaseWithMarket and CCPurchaseWithVirtualItem.

  • CCPurchaseWithMarket is a CCPurchaseType that allows users to purchase a CCVirtualItem with Google Play or the App Store.
  • CCPurchaseWithVirtualItem is a CCPurchaseType that lets your users purchase a CCVirtualItem with another CCVirtualItem. For example: Buying a sword with 100 gems.

In order to define the way your various virtual items are purchased, you'll need to create your implementation of CCStoreAssets (the same one from step 5 in the Getting Started section above).

Here is an example:

Lets say you have a CCVirtualCurrencyPack you want to call TEN_COINS_PACK and a CCVirtualCurrency you want to call COIN_CURRENCY (TEN_COINS_PACK will hold 10 pieces of the currency COIN_CURRENCY):

#define COIN_CURRENCY_ITEM_ID "coin_currency"
#define TEN_COIN_PACK_ITEM_ID       "ten_coin_pack"
#define TEN_COIN_PACK_PRODUCT_ID    "10_coins_pack"  // this is the product id from the developer console

CCVirtualCurrency *COIN_CURRENCY = CCVirtualCurrency::create(

CCVirtualCurrencyPack *TEN_COIN_PACK = CCVirtualCurrencyPack::create(
	String::create("10 Coins"),
	String::create("A pack of 10 coins"),
	CCPurchaseWithMarket::create(String::create(TEN_COIN_PACK_PRODUCT_ID), Double::create(0.99))

Now you can use CCStoreInventory to buy your new currency pack:


And that's it! cocos2dx-store knows how to contact Google Play or the App Store for you and will redirect your users to the purchasing system to complete the transaction. Don't forget to subscribe to store events in order to get notified of successful or failed purchases (see Event Handling).

Storage & Meta-Data

CCStoreInventory and CCStoreInfo are important storage and metadata classes you should use when you want to perform all store operations:

  • CCStoreInventory is a convenience class to let you perform operations on CCVirtualCurrencies and CCVirtualGoods. Use it to fetch/change the balances of CCVirtualItems in your game (using their ItemIds!)
  • CCStoreInfo is where all meta data information about your specific game can be retrieved. It is initialized with your implementation of CCStoreAssets and you can use it to retrieve information about your specific game.

The on-device storage is encrypted and kept in a SQLite database. SOOMLA has a cloud-based storage service (The SOOMLA Highway) that allows this SQLite to be synced to a cloud-based repository that you define.

Example Usages

  • Get all the CCVirtualCurrencies:

    CCArray *vcArray = soomla::CCStoreInfo::sharedStoreInfo()->getVirtualCurrencies();
  • Give the user 10 pieces of a virtual currency with itemId "currency_coin":

    soomla::CCStoreInventory::sharedStoreInventory()->giveItem("currency_coin", 10);
  • Take 10 virtual goods with itemId "green_hat":

    soomla::CCStoreInventory::sharedStoreInventory()->takeItem("green_hat", 10);
  • Get the current balance of green hats (virtual goods with itemId "green_hat"):

    int greenHatsBalance = soomla::CCStoreInventory::sharedStoreInventory()->getItemBalance("green_hat");

Event Handling

SOOMLA lets you subscribe to store events, get notified and implement your own application specific behaviour to them.

Your behaviour is an addition to the default behaviour implemented by SOOMLA. You don't replace SOOMLA's behaviour.

SOOMLA uses the Cocos2d-x EventDispatcher to dispatch its own custom events. The names of such events are defined in CCStoreConsts, the received event has a __Dictionary set in its userData which holds all the meta-data for the event. You can subscribe to any event from anywhere in your code.

For example here's how to subscribe to the item purchased event:

cocos2d::Director::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher()->addCustomEventListener(soomla::CCStoreConsts::EVENT_ITEM_PURCHASED, CC_CALLBACK_1(ExampleScene::onItemPurchased, this));

Continuing the example, here's how you would handle and extract data from such an event:

void ExampleScene::onItemPurchased(cocos2d::EventCustom *event) {
  cocos2d::__Dictionary *eventData = (cocos2d::__Dictionary *)event->getUserData();
  soomla::CCPurchasableVirtualItem *purchasable = dynamic_cast<soomla::CCPurchasableVirtualItem *>(eventData->objectForKey(soomla::CCStoreConsts::DICT_ELEMENT_PURCHASABLE));
  cocos2d::__String *payload = dynamic_cast<cocos2d::__String *>(eventData->objectForKey(soomla::CCStoreConsts::DICT_ELEMENT_DEVELOPERPAYLOAD));

  // Use purchasable and payload for your needs

Each event has its own meta-data, see inline documentation in CCStoreEventDispatcher for more information.

Error Handling

Since Cocos2d-x doesn't support exceptions, we use a different method to catch and work with exceptions on the native side. All functions that raise an exception on the native side have an additional CCError** parameter to them. In order to know if an exception was raised, send a reference to CCError* to the function, and inspect it after running.

For example, if I want to purchase an item with the ItemID huge_sword, and check if all went well after the purchase, I would call CCSoomlaStore::buyItem(), like this:

soomla::CCError *err;
soomla::CCStoreInventory::sharedStoreInventory()->buyItem("huge_sword", &err);
if (err != NULL) {
    int code = err->getCode();
    switch code {
            // itemNotFoundException was raised
            // insufficienFundsException was raised
            // notEnoughGoodsException was raised

You can choose to handle each exception on its own, handle all three at once, or not handle the exceptions at all. The CCError parameter is entirely optional, you can pass NULL instead if you do not wish to handle errors, but remember, error handling is your responsibility. cocos2dx-store doesn't do any external error handling (i.e. error handling that uses CCError) for you.

iOS Server Side Verification

As you probably know, fraud on IAP is pretty common. Hackers can crack their smartphones to think that a purchase is made when payment wasn't actually transferred to you. We want to help you with it so we created our verification server and we let you instantly use it through the framework. All you need to do is let cocos2dx-store know you want to verify purchases. You can do this by passing an extra parameter to CCSoomlaStore:

storeParams->setObject(Bool::create(true), "SSV");
soomla::CCSoomlaStore::initialize(assets, storeParams);


You can enable debug logging in cocos2dx-store by setting SOOMLA_DEBUG in CCSoomlaUtils.h to true. Debug logging can also be enabled at build time by adding -DSOOMLA_DEBUG=1 to APP_CPPFLAGS in your Application.mk on Android, or by setting SOOMLA_DEBUG=1 in your Build Settings' Preprocessor Macros on iOS.

If you want to see debug messages from android-store, set the logDebug variable in com.soomla.store.StoreConfig to true.

To see debug messages on iOS, make sure you have also DEBUG=1 in your Build Settings' Preprocessor Macros (for Debug only).

Working with sources

We try to do all our best to make your contributions as easy as it's possible. We prepared "sourced" environment for you if you wish to contribute in soomla projects. In order to get it you should:

  1. Fetch submodules of repositories, you can do it by recursively cloning them:
    $ git clone --recursive git@github.com:soomla/soomla-cocos2dx-core.git extensions/soomla-cocos2dx-core
    $ git clone --recursive git@github.com:soomla/cocos2dx-store.git extensions/cocos2dx-store

or, if you have repositories already cloned, fetch the submodules with this command: $ git submodule update --init --recursive

You should run this command in every repository.

  1. For iOS: Use sourced versions of Linked projects (extensions/soomla-cocos2dx-core/development/Cocos2dxCoreFromSources.xcodeproj, extensions/cocos2dx-store/development/Cocos2dxStoreFromSources.xcodeproj)

  2. For Android: You can use our "sourced" modules for Android Studio (or IntelliJ IDEA) (extensions/soomla-cocos2dx-core/development/Cocos2dxCoreFromSources.iml, extensions/cocos2dx-store/development/Cocos2dxStoreFromSources.iml), just include them to your project.

How to move from v4.3.x to v4.5.x?

Version 4.5.x is all about making the integration process on iOS and Android easier. If you are using v4.3.x and want to move to v4.4.x follow these steps:

  1. Pull the latest version to your extensions folder
  2. Remove any Soomla-related code in iOS (AppController.mm) and Android (Cocos2dxActivity), especially code related to ServiceManager and any other Services.
  3. In your AppDelegate.cpp:
  • Change soomla::CCServiceManager::getInstance()->setCommonParams(commonParams); to soomla::CCSoomla::initialize("customSecret");
  • Change soomla::CCStoreService::initShared(assets, storeParams); to soomla::CCSoomlaStore::initialize(assets, storeParams);
  • Remove any #includes to missing header files, you only need Cocos2dxStore.h
  1. Remove any reference to EventHandlers and subscribing through Soomla EventDispatchers, instead use the Cocos2d-x EventDispatcher to subscribe to events.
  2. When in doubt follow the cocos2dx-store-example`


SOOMLA appreciates code contributions! You are more than welcome to extend the capabilities of SOOMLA.

Fork -> Clone -> Implement -> Add documentation -> Test -> Pull-Request.

IMPORTANT: If you would like to contribute, please follow our Documentation Guidelines. Clear, consistent comments will make our code easy to understand.

SOOMLA, Elsewhere ...


Apache License. Copyright (c) 2012-2014 SOOMLA. http://www.soom.la