
A short videogame created to learn about the graphic environment and how to apply textures and sprites

Primary LanguageC


A short videogame created to learn about the graphic environment and how to apply textures and sprites.

Using the minilibx, a graphic library designed by 42 students, I learned how to apply textures creating a game in which you have to use your character (Mr. Satan, from Dragon Ball Z) to collect al the Dragon Balls displayed through the map. The character is unable to pass through the walls, and once you have collected every single ball, the dragon Shenron appears and you win the game once you approach him.

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The numbers of real steps is showed in the terminal.

It can show any map as long as it is valid, because one feature of the program is that it can identify which map is rather valid or not. The conditions are:

-the map must be rectangular and surrounded by walls

-it has to be a .ber file

-it must contain, at least, one player, one way to exit and one object to collect

-it can not contain more than one player nor more than one exit

-you must be able to reach every element in the map. If there is something you can not reach, the map is invalid