Uniq NFT Marketplace


Javier Rosas Ruiz: rosasruiz.j@northeastern.edu

Dhruv Sabharwal: sabharwal.d@northeastern.edu

Iteration 1

Disclaimer: Javier Rosas had some issues with Git and Heroku, so he had to re-clone the repository on August 5. As a result, Javier Rosas's commits do not appear on Github analytics, but he did contribute to the project meaningfully.

Most code was written by the both of us or taken from the Movie Mern project we coded throughout the course.

Front end:

Landing Page: Dhruv Sabharwal

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NFTs Page: Mostly Dhruv Sabharwal, but Javier contributed as well

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Collection Page: Javier Rosas Ruiz

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Wish List Page: Dhruv Sabharwal

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Footer Component: Javier Rosas Ruiz

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UserDataService: Javier Rosas Ruiz

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Buy Page: Dhruv Sabharwal & Javier Rosas Ruiz

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Initial database setup with sample data: Javier Rosas Ruiz

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User backend functionality: Javier Rosas Ruiz

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Liking backend functionality: Dhruv Sabharwal

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Genre backend functionality: Javier Rosas Ruiz

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getRandomNFT functionality: Dhruv Sabharwal

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Iteration 2

We made some changes to the frontend and the backend code. We also created a new github repository which contains the code that will run on the Internet Computer blockchain network. We call this repository Distributed Uniq: https://github.ccs.neu.edu/NEU-CS5610-SU22/Distributed-UniqFrontend This code is incomplete right now but will be finalized before iteration 3.

In this iteration we have made the following progress to the Distributed Uniq repository:


This class stores the code for an individual nft


The above shows how the nft can be accessed from the react jsx files


The above image shows the structure of the new Distributed Uniq repository


The above file shows the code for how we can mint a new nft


Dhruv Sabharwal: Landing page styling, creating and setting up the new github Distributed Uniq repository, connecting the blockchain backend to the react frontend. Javier Rosas Ruiz: NFT card styling and functionality, Mint.jsx file, Nft.mo file, and optimized the web app for mobile using bootstrapped components and css.

Iteration 3

We finished the web application with the Buy, Sell and Mint funcionality fully working with a MongoDB backend.


getUser function: Javier Rosas Ruiz

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Confetti third party integration function: Javier Rosas Ruiz

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Spinner third party integration function: Javier Rosas Ruiz

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sellNft and buyNft frontend: Javier Rosas Ruiz

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modify balance backend: Javier Rosas Ruiz

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modify owner nft array: Javier Rosas Ruiz

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check user balance: Javier Rosas Ruiz

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sell_nft_backend : Javier Rosas Ruiz

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getUser: Javier Rosas Ruiz

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buyNft: Javier Rosas Ruiz

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mint functionality: Dhruv Sabharwal

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