Great work! Some FR
Opened this issue · 7 comments
marconoris commented
Hi Javier, great work!!! This is a great step forward for our workflow, congratulations for this amazing plugin, thanks!
Some FR:
- Would be great the option to pull/push from all user channels and not only the latest ones.
- To use Obsidian as a offline device for, would be great the option to download images locally (and attachments).
- Template system: I would like to add description, for example, as in-note text and not only as frontmatter property.
javierarce commented
Thanks, Marcos! Those are great improvements. I’ll definitely add 1 and 2 to the roadmap.
How do you envision 3 working in practice? With a text field in the settings where you define what will be the content of the block and what will be the description using some text placeholders?
marconoris commented
I guess Read it later plugin could be a great reference, it uses a full
template customization.
This is a template example of Read it later plugin:
tags: toRead
status: unread
site: %siteName%
source: %articleURL%
title: %articleTitle%
author: %author%
reading time: %articleReadingTime%
# %articleTitle%
**%author%** · Artículo original: [%articleTitle%](%articleURL%)
marconoris commented
marconoris commented
(Por cierto, estamos los dos en Barcelona!)
javierarce commented
Lo vi, ayer me pasé un buen rato mirando (y admirando) tu trabajo :)
javierarce commented
Ok, item #1 from the list is done and should be available updating the plugin.
Would be great the option to pull/push from all user channels and not only the latest ones.
javierarce commented