
Download all the PDF files in an https://are.na channel

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Arena PDF downloader

Download all the PDF files in an are.na channel.

How to use it

  1. Clone this repo git clone git@github.com:javierarce/arena-to-pdf.git
  2. Install the dependencies bundle install
  3. Run the script: ./download CHANNEL_URL [PDF_FOLDER_PATH]

Downloading from the manifest

Every time you run the ./download command, the file manifest.txt is updated with the id of the channel you've just downloaded. If you want to redownload all the PDFs or update your PDF folders, simply run:

./download --from-manifest

Private channels

If the channel is private, you'll need to get an ACCESS_TOKEN first. Once you have it, rename env.sample to .env and throw your are.na access token there.


If you write down the path to your PDF download folder in your .env file, you won't need to specify it everytime you run the command.