
A git wrapper for node to get a repo history data

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A dependency-free git log wrapper for node to get a git repo history data. Only works on Mac and Linux.

Tested on node 8 and git 2.

How to use

nodeGitHistory(<path to the git directory>, <options array>)

See the Argument options section.


const nodeGitHistory = require('node-git-history');

nodeGitHistory("/", [
  "H", // commit hash
  "an", // author name
  "ae", // author email
  "ad", // author date
  "s" // subject
  .then(res => {
  console.log(`RESPONSE`, res)

  'res' is going to look like this:
    { H: '0b8c4b541d955a02168064c4d5782d054fc54a87',
      an: 'Javier Bórquez',
      ae: 'javierbyte@Javiers-MacBook.local',
      ad: 'Sun Apr 30 19:18:05 2017 -0600',
      s: 'Add dist code' },
    { H: '39cdee04986274252b834fd7a80a147a27ac0961',
      an: 'Javier Bórquez',
      ae: 'javierbyte@Javiers-MacBook.local',
      ad: 'Sun Apr 30 19:15:47 2017 -0600',
      s: 'Initial commit' } ]

Argument options

  • H: Commit hash
  • h: Abbreviated commit hash
  • T: Tree hash
  • t: Abbreviated tree hash
  • P: Parent hashes
  • p: Abbreviated parent hashes
  • an: Author name
  • ae: Author email
  • ad: Author date (format respects the --date=option)
  • ar: Author date, relative
  • cn: Committer name
  • ce: Committer email
  • cd: Committer date
  • cr: Committer date, relative
  • s: 'Subject
