This is the source code for the software used to run the site at (a dump of random personal files with no interest whatsoever).

It's a small project made in a few hours during Xmas boredom, to subsitute a very old Apache2 FancyIndexing site I had before.

The source code is presented as-is, and you can use it for any purposes you want. It's made in ASP.NET Core using Razor Pages, in .NET 6. It uses icons from, highlight.js for the source code viewer syntax highlighter, sqlite-net-pcl for an optional simple sqlite access log database, and SixLabors ImageSharp for the thumbnail generation (respective licenses noted in THIRD-PARTY-NOTICES).

It also uses TailwindCSS for main CSS styling.

Otherwise the rest of the code is mine.


I've made my best effort to prevent leaking data (using relative folders, etc.), however the program accesses the files directly and streams them down, so there might be some security issues I haven't thought of.

On my site, I'm running it inside a docker container on an alpine distribution with an unprivileged account, so other than the files you can actually see there (and the precompiled binaries), there's little you could leak from it, but your mileage may vary: make sure you test for broken stuff if you happen to use any of this code in production anywhere.