
SeaDAS SeaWiFS Data Analysis System

Primary LanguageHTMLGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Installation Guide

  1. Download and install build tools:
  • Install J2SE 1.7 and set JAVA_HOME accordingly.
  • Install Maven and set MAVEN_HOME accordingly.
  • Install GIT and set GIT_HOME accordingly.
    • On Windows we recommend the msysGit package.
    • Make sure Git is configured correctly: type git config -l at your console; the value core.autocrlf has to be set to input
    • If it is not, open $GIT_HOME/etc/gitconfig and set core.autocrlf to input
  • Create a directory for SeaDAS and set SEADAS to this directory.
  1. Add $JAVA_HOME/bin, $MAVEN_HOME/bin and $GIT_HOME/bin to your PATH. (Windows: %JAVA_HOME%\bin, %MAVEN_HOME%\bin and %GIT_HOME%\bin)

  2. Checkout Ceres, BEAM and SeaDAS using git:

    cd $SEADAS
    git clone git@github.com:seadas/ceres.git ceres
    git clone git@github.com:seadas/beam.git beam
    git clone git@github.com:seadas/seadas.git seadas
  3. Build Ceres from source and install in local Maven repository:

    cd $SEADAS/ceres
    mvn install -DskipTests=true
  4. Build SeaDAS from source and install in local Maven repository:

    cd $SEADAS/seadas
    mvn install -DskipTests=true
  5. Open up the project in your IDE:

  • Netbeans:
    • Menu Preferences Java Maven -> check 'Skip Tests for any build executions not directly related to testing'
    • Menu File -> Open Project and select seadas
    • Check the Open Required Projects box
    • Set the SeaDAS Bootstrap Classpath as the main project
    • Select the "SeaDAS" project Menu File -> Project Properties -> Build->Compile uncheck 'Compile on Save'
    • Menu File -> Project Properties -> Actions->select "Build Project" action:
      • Set Properties -> Add->Skip Tests
      • DO NOT Check 'Build with Dependencies'
      • Repeat for "Beam Core API" and "SeaDAS Bootstrap Classpath" projects
    • Select the "SeaDAS Bootstrap Classpath" project, Menu File -> Project Properties ->Run set:
      • Main Class: com.bc.ceres.launcher.Launcher
      • Working Directory: $SEADAS/seadas
      • VM Options: -Xmx2G -Dceres.context=seadas
  • IntelliJ IDEA:
    • Main Menu -> File -> New Project -> Import Project from External Model
    • Choose Maven
    • Specify your root directory: $SEADAS (Note: put your actual path)
    • Check the box: Search for Directories Recursively
    • Check the box: default tools
    • Click Next
    • Click Finish
  • Eclipse:
    • Build Eclipse project files for BEAM: cd $SEADAS/seadas mvn eclipse:eclipse
    • Delete the created .project file in the main project folder.
    • Make sure that M2_REPO classpath variable is set: - Open Window -> Preferences... then select Java -> Build Path -> Classpath Variables - Select New... and add variable M2_REPO - Select Folder... and choose the location of your Maven local repository, e.g ~/.m2/repository. On Windows Vista the default Maven repository is C:\Users\<Username>\.m2\repository
    • Click Main Menu -> File -> Import
    • Select General -> Existing Project into Workspace
    • Select Root Directory $SEADAS/seadas
    • Click Finish
  1. Use the following configuration to run BEAM/VISAT:

    • Main class: com.bc.ceres.launcher.Launcher
    • VM parameters: -Xmx2G -Dceres.context=seadas
    • Program parameters: none
    • Working directory: $SEADAS/seadas (replace $SEADAS with your actual path)
    • Use classpath of module (project in Eclipse): seadas-bootstrap
  2. Copy the config file.

         cd $SEADAS/seadas
         mkdir config
         cp src/main/config/seadas.config config
  3. Edit the following lines in the config file:

    • Set seadas.home = .
    • Set seadas.app = SeaDAS
    • Set seadas.logLevel = ALL
    • Set seadas.debug = true
    • Set seadas.splash.image = ./src/main/bin/common/splash.png
    • Set seadas.ocssw.root = your OCSSW root dirctory
  4. Once you have all the configuration done, hit Make Project. Let it rebuild and then Run

Original instructions from Brockmann Consult.