
Demo project app + multi-platform XCFramework to help the creation of custom ShazamKit catalogs from audio files or recordings.

Demo video of the app & framework in use

Xcode project contains three targets:

  • SHCoach (iOS), demo iOS app for users trying to generate a custom ShazamKit catalog. Can be used on any iOS device (iOS 15) and from macOS Catalyst (iPad mode).
  • Tests iOS, target containing tests for the developed framework
  • SHCoachFramework, contains the framework code which will be wrapped onto a multi platform XCFramework using a build script

Framework Creation

Repository comes with a scripts that automates the creation of the .xcframework.

In order for the target to be distributed as a framework there are a couple of settings that have been changed in the project.

  • Enable Build Library for Distribution under Build Settings for the SHCoachFramework. This can also be done in the console when calling xcodebuild as BUILD_LIBRARIES_FOR_DISTRIBUTION=YES. Generates a binary interface so the framework is compatible with different compiler and/or Xcode versions.
  • Disable Skip Install under Build Settings for the SHCoachFramework. This can also be done in the console when calling xcodebuild as SKIP_INSTALL=NO. Causes the framework to be copied into the archive which will be used to create the .xcframework.

When the script finishes the resulting framework will be stored on $HOME. Then you can use it on any project you want by importing it to the Xcode project as you would do with any other framework.

As of Xcode 13 there is a new way to build cross platform frameworks from a single target from inside Xcode. It's described more in depth in Session 10210 @ WWDC'21 Explore advanced project configuration in Xcode. Steps to follow are,

  1. Select your multi-platform target from the project pane on the left. Go to Build Settings and enable Allow multi-platform builds under the Build Options section.
  2. On that same tab but under Architectures section select Any Platform for the Supported Platforms settings.
  3. Change to the Build Phases tab and under Compile Sources for each file that will go into the framework select the platforms you want to enable/disable from the Filters column. If you haven't touched anything previously here it should be marked as Always Used.


Project contains documentad code alongside a DocC documentation project which can be exported when using Xcode 13 or newer.

Demo App

SwiftUI app that puts to use the created framework. Tab-based application that let's you create a SHCustomCatalog with audio files that you provide via the document explorer or that you record using your microphone. You can create a SHCustomCatalog with both audio files and microphone recordings.

When you're done adding audio samples you can export your SHCustomCatalog file so it's used on another app you're working on or it can be tested on this same app.

There's a second, on this demo app that let's you test any SHCustomCatalog by loading it from the document explorer and playing a sound from another device. If a match has been found it will display its name and if it's not it will display an error.


A new protocool, AVAudioEngineMockable is defined that's adopted by AVAudioEngine. Any class that makes use of AVAudioEngine will substitute that reference for the protocol so a fake AVAudioEngine can be injected and used and mock certain functionality like microphone usage that requires real hardware.

Enabled code coverage only for SHCoachFramework target.

There are certain aspects that can't be tested like emulating real microphone input to check matches.

Alternatively, to test a SHCustomCatalog and making use of AVAudioEngineMockable a model can be tested passing as inputs the SHSignature of an audio file. In the Resources folder of the project there are three audio samples used to test this aspect of the framework: A full length song, a small piece of that same song to simulate a match and an incorrect song to simulate an incorrect match.


Building the XCFramework

If some of the following errors happen

/SHCoachFramework/SHCatalogCreator.swift:9:8: error: no such module 'ShazamKit'
import ShazamKit


xcodebuild: error: SDK "macosx12.0" cannot be located.

Framework has been created using Xcode's 13 beta 5 toolchain. Compiling this framework or project without selecting the latest Xcode beta from xcode-select can result in an error. That can be fixed by selecting latest version with the following command,

sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/

After creating a xcframework always build against a real target of the destination platforms as some compilation errors don't appear until buildtime or runtime.

If the situation needed it a XCFramework can be distributed through a Swift Package that contains the binary framework inside allowing us to keep the source code private.

Interesting References