
Delightful Sass Support for Symfony + AssetMapper

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Sass For Symfony!

This bundle make it easy to use Sass with Symfony's AssetMapper Component (no Node required!).

  • Automatically downloads the correct Sass binary
  • Adds a sass:build command to build and watch your Sass changes


Install the bundle

composer require symfonycasts/sass-bundle


Start by writing your first Sass file assets/styles/app.scss, and let's add some basic style

/* assets/styles/app.scss */

$red: #fc030b;

body {
  background: $red;

Then point your styles in your template.

{# templates/base.html.twig #}

{% block stylesheets %}
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('styles/app.scss') }}">
{% endblock %}

That's right! You point directly to the .scss file. But don't worry, the final built .css file will be returned!

Then run the command:

php bin/console sass:build --watch

And that's it!

How Does it work

The first time you run one of the Sass commands, the bundle will download the correct Sass binary for you system in to bin/dart-sass directory.

When you run sass:build, that binary is uses to compile Sass file into a var/sass/app.built.css file. Finally, when the contents of assets/styles/app.scss is requested, the bundle swaps the contents of that file with the contents of var/sass/app.built.css. Nice!

Using Bootstrap Sass

Bootstrap is available as Sass, allowing you to customize the look and feel of your app. An easy way to get the source Sass files is via a Composer package:

composer require twbs/bootstrap-sass

Now, import the core bootstrap.scss from your app.scss file:

/* Override some Bootstrap variables */
$red: #FB4040;

@import '../../vendor/twbs/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap';


When you deploy, run sass:build command before the asset-map:compile command so the built file is available:

php bin/console sass:build
php bin/console asset-map:compile

Limitation: url() Relative Paths

When using url() inside a Sass file, currently, the path must be relative to the root .scss file. For example, suppose the root .scss file is:

/* assets/styles/app.scss */
import 'tools/base';

Assume there is an assets/images/login-bg.png file that you want to refer to from base.css:

/* assets/styles/tools/base.scss */
.splash {
    /* This SHOULD work, but doesn't */
    background-image: url('../../images/login-bg.png');

    /* This DOES work: it's relative to app.scss */
    background-image: url('../images/login-bg.png');

It should be possible to use url() with a path relative to the current file. However, that is not currently possible. See this issue for more details.


To see the full config from this bundle, run:

php bin/console config:dump symfonycasts_sass

The main option is root_sass option, which default to assets/styles/app.scss. This represents the source Sass file.

Using a different binary

This bundle already installed for you the right binary. However if you already have a binary installed on your machine you can instruct the bundle to use that binary, set the binary option:

    binary: 'node_modules/.bin/sass'