Welcome to Zillow project!

Software requerimentes:

  • Python3
  • tensorflow
  • scikit-learn
  • pandas
  • numpy
  • matplotlib
  • seaborn
  • tqdm
  • xgboost

Preprocessing the data:

To download the datasets you have to go to: https://www.kaggle.com/c/zillow-prize-1/data

And make sure to download these files.

  • properties_2016.csv.zip
  • train_2016_v2.csv.zip
  • zillow_data_dictionary.xlsx.zip

And extract all files into the folder data/

Run: export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/my/path/to/zillow_project/"

Then run: python3 zillow_project/data.py


And for running the baseline model: python3 zillow_project/baseline.py

Classification and Regression tasks

And finally for running classification and regression using LabelEncoding: python3 zillow_project/experiment.py

It is also possible to change parameters and datasets as you want in these files:


Thanks :)