
Python script to scrap www.goodreads.com books shelves.

Primary LanguagePython

Goodreads Scraper

Python script to scrap Goodreads books shelves.


mkvirtualenv --python=`which python3` goodreads-scraper
pip install -r requirements.txt


Step 1: Select shelves

Go to https://www.goodreads.com/shelf and select the shelves you want to scrap from.

Say you want fantasy, adventure and thriller books. Go to the shelves.txt file and fill it with one shelf name per line.

This is how shelves.txt would look like:


Step 2: Get your cookies

To retrieve all pages you want you'll need to log in into Goodreads and check the value of your _session_id2 cookie that will be set automatically in your web browser after making a request logged in. Set the value of the constant COOKIE in books_scraper.py with the one you obtained from your browser (or set it on your .env file).

If you skip this step, every request you make to get a shelf will return the first page, even if you ask for the second one.

Step 3: Run books scraper

In this step you will scrap books from the selected shelves by running the following command:

python books_scraper.py

You can set how many pages you want to scrap from each shelf by changing the value of the constant PAGES_PER_SHELF to whatever you want.

By the end of this step you will end up with 1 json file per page per shelf inside the shelves_pages folder. Something like this:


So adventure_2.json corresponds to page number 2 of the adventure books shelf.

Step 4: Run shelves merger

But we just want one big books.json file...

Just run the following command to merge all generated files into one big clean books.json file:

python shelves_merger.py

This script will collect all books, remove duplicates, clean the attributes of the books and clean all reviews.

Step 5: Retrieve all unique authors and genres

The final step is to generate json files containing all authors names and genres by running the following command:

python get_data.py

With this you will end up with a json file called authors.json containing a list of all unique authors and one for the genres called genres.json.