This is an R app that allows the user to scrape a page of listings from Pararius. The app is containerized using Docker.
To install & run the app, you need only install docker. Then, go to the folder containing the Dockerfile
and execute:
docker build . -t jhginn/pararius
Open up an empty file and call it env.list
(this file is listed in .gitignore
). Save it in the same folder as the Dockerfile
. This file must contain the following entries:
For example, if you use Gmail, it should look like this:
If you do end up using Gmail, keep the following in mind:
- It is a mistake!! to use your own, private email address. The reason is that you must connect via SMTP (email/password) and you therefore have to turn of two-factor authentication. A better approach is to make a new email address and use that address with this app.
- Allow 'less secure apps' to access your email account by changing the setting found here.
You can change a couple of parameters in the app/settings.yml
You can set:
- The place: name of the city of your interest
- min_price: minimum rent price
- max_price: maximum rent price
blacklist is a feature to stop receiving listings from certain realtors. These names must be verbatum (I suggest copying them from their Pararius page).
email_from is the email from which you will be emailing.
email_to is the email to which you will be emailing.
You can run the application by executing:
docker run -v /PATH/TO/FOLDER/data:/root/data --env-file env.list jhginn/pararius
is the absolute filepath of the folder containing the Dockerfile
It's a good idea to let the app check new listings with some regularity. To this end, simply schedule a cron job every 5-10 minutes:
# Install this crontab file
# execute 'date' on your VM to see what time/date settings are
# <min> <hr> <day> <month> <weekday>
*/5 * * * * cd /PATH/TO/FOLDER/ && docker run -v /PATH/TO/FOLDER/data:/root/data --env-file env.list jhginn/pararius
You can enter a bash environment by executing the following:
docker run -v /PATH/TO/FOLDER/data:/root/data --env-file env.list -it --entrypoint /bin/bash jhginn/pararius