
Xendit REST API Client for Java - Card, Virtual Account, Invoice, Disbursement, Recurring Payments, Payout, EWallet, Balance, Retail Outlets Services

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Xendit Java Library

Download from JCenter

This library is the abstraction of Xendit API for access from applications written with Java.

Table of Contents

API Documentation

Please check Xendit API Reference.


JDK 1.7 or later.





compile 'com.xendit:xendit-java-lib:{SELECTED_VERSION}'

More information: https://bintray.com/xendit/android/xendit-java-lib


You need to use secret API key in order to use functionality in this library. The key can be obtained from your Xendit Dashboard.

import com.xendit.Xendit;

public class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Xendit.apiKey = "PUT YOUR API KEY HERE";

Example: Create a disbursement

import com.xendit.Xendit;
import com.xendit.exception.XenditException;
import com.xendit.model.Disbursement;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class ExampleCreateDisbursement {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Xendit.apiKey = "xnd_development_...";

        try {
            Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
            params.put("external_id", "my_external_id");
            params.put("bank_code", "BCA");
            params.put("account_holder_name", "John Doe");
            params.put("account_number", "123456789");
            params.put("description", "My Description");
            params.put("amount", "90000");

            Disbursement disbursement = Disbursement.create(params);
        } catch (XenditException e) {

There are some examples provided for you here.

Disbursement Services

Create a disbursement

You can choose whether want to put the attributes as parameters or to put in inside a Map object.

    String externalId,
    String bankCode,
    String accountHolderName,
    String accountNumber,
    String description,
    BigInteger amount,
    String[] emailTo,
    String[] emailCc,
    String[] emailBcc
    Map<String, Object> params
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("external_id", "my_external_id");
params.put("bank_code", "BCA");
params.put("account_holder_name", "John Doe");
params.put("account_number", "123456789");
params.put("description", "My Description");
params.put("amount", "90000");

Disbursement disbursement = Disbursement.create(params);

Get banks with available disbursement service

AvailableBank[] banks = Disbursement.getAvailableBanks();

Get a disbursement by external ID

Disbursement disbursement = Disbursement.getByExternalId("EXAMPLE_ID");

Get a disbursement by ID

Disbursement disbursement = Disbursement.getById("EXAMPLE_ID");

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Invoice services

Create an invoice

You can choose whether want to put the attributes as parameters or to put in inside a Map object.

    String externalId,
    Number amount,
    String payerEmail,
    String description
    Map<String, Object> params
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("external_id", "my_external_id");
params.put("amount", 1800000);
params.put("payer_email", "customer@domain.com");
params.put("description", "Invoice Demo #123");

Invoice invoice = Invoice.create(params);

Get an invoice by ID

Invoice invoice = Invoice.getById("EXAMPLE_ID");

Get all invoices

Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("limit", 3);
params.put("statuses", "[\"SETTLED\",\"EXPIRED\"]");

Invoice[] invoices = Invoice.getAll(params);

Expire an invoice

Invoice invoice = Invoice.expire("EXAMPLE_ID");

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Virtual Account Services

Create a fixed virtual account

You can choose whether want to put the attributes as parameters or to put in inside a Map object.

Closed virtual account
    String externalId,
    String bankCode,
    String name,
    Long expectedAmount,
    Map<String, Object> additionalParam
    Map<String, Object> params
Opened virtual account
    String externalId,
    String bankCode,
    String name,
    Map<String, Object> additionalParam
    Map<String, Object> params
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("external_id", "my_external_id");
params.put("bank_code", BankCode.BNI.getText());
params.put("name", "John Doe");

FixedVirtualAccount virtualAccount = FixedVirtualAccount.createOpen(params);

Update a fixed virtual account by ID

Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("is_single_use", true);

FixedVirtualAccount fixedVirtualAccount = FixedVirtualAccount.update("EXAMPLE_ID", params);

Get banks with available virtual account service

AvailableBank[] availableBanks = FixedVirtualAccount.getAvailableBanks();

Get a fixed virtual account by ID

FixedVirtualAccount fpa = FixedVirtualAccount.getFixedVA("EXAMPLE_ID");

Get a fixed virtual account payment by payment ID

FixedVirtualAccountPayment payment = FixedVirtualAccount.getPayment("EXAMPLE_PAYMENT_ID");

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Retail Outlet Services

Create fixed payment code

You can choose whether want to put the attributes as parameters or to put in inside a Map object.

    String externalId,
    String retailOutletName,
    String name,
    Number expectedAmount
    Map<String, Object> params
params.put("external_id", "test");
params.put("retail_outlet_name", "ALFAMART");
params.put("name", "Rika Sutanto");
params.put("expected_amount", 10000);

FixedPaymentCode fpc = RetailOutlet.createFixedPaymentCode(params);

Get fixed payment code

FixedPaymentCode fpc = RetailOutlet.getFixedPaymentCode("EXAMPLE_ID");

Update fixed payment code

You can choose whether want to put the attributes as parameters or to put in inside a Map object.

    String id,
    String name,
    Number expectedAmount,
    String expirationDate
    String id,
    Map<String, Object> params
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("name", "Lorem Ipsum");

FixedPaymentCode fpc = RetailOutlet.updateFixedPaymentCode("EXAMPLE_ID", params);

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Recurring Payment Services

Create a recurring payment

You can choose whether want to put the attributes as parameters or to put in inside a Map object.

   String externalId,
   String payerEmail,
   String interval,
   Number intervalCount,
   String description,
   Number amount
   Map<String, Object> params
Map<String , Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("external_id", "recurring_31451441");
params.put("payer_email", "sample_email@xendit.co");
params.put("interval", "MONTH");
params.put("interval_count", 1);
params.put("description", "Test desc");
params.put("amount", 100000);

RecurringPayment recurringPayment = RecurringPayment.create(params);

Get a recurring payment

RecurringPayment recurringPayment = RecurringPayment.get("5e2dd160f8a4d24146f5974c");

Edit a recurring payment

Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("amount", 987654);
params.put("interval", "WEEK");

RecurringPayment recurringPayment = RecurringPayment.edit("5e2dd55ef8a4d24146f59775", params);

Stop a recurring payment

RecurringPayment recurringPayment = RecurringPayment.stop("5e2dd160f8a4d24146f5974c");

Pause a recurring payment

RecurringPayment recurringPayment = RecurringPayment.pause("5e2dd55ef8a4d24146f59775");

Resume a recurring payment

RecurringPayment recurringPayment = RecurringPayment.resume("5e2dd55ef8a4d24146f59775");

List recurring payments by ID

Invoice[] invoices = RecurringPayment.getPaymentsById("5e2dd55ef8a4d24146f59775");

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Balance Service

Get balance

The accountType parameter is optional.


Balance.get(String accountType);
Balance balance = Balance.get("CASH");

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Payout Services

Create a payout

You can choose whether want to put the attributes as parameters or to put in inside a Map object.

    String externalId,
    Number amount
    Map<String, Object> params
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("external_id", "my_test_id");
params.put("amount", 100000);

Payout payout = Payout.createPayout(params);

Get a payout by ID

Payout payout = Payout.getPayout("EXAMPLE_ID");

Void a payout

Payout payout = Payout.voidPayout("EXAMPLE_ID");

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E-Wallet Services

Create a Linkaja payment

    String externalId,
    Number amount,
    String phone,
    EWalletLinkajaItem[] items,
    String callbackUrl,
    String redirectUrl

Create a Dana payment

    String externalId,
    Number amount,
    String phone,
    String expirationDate,
    String callbackUrl,
    String redirectUrl

Create an OVO payment

    String externalId,
    Number amount,
    String phone

Get an e-wallet payment

EWalletPayment payment = EWalletPayment.getPaymentStatus("ovo-ewallet", EWalletPayment.EWalletType.OVO);

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Credit Card Services

Create an authorization

You can choose whether want to put the attributes as parameters or to put in inside a Map object.

    String tokenId,
    String externalId,
    Number amount,
    String authenticationId,
    String cardCVN,
    Boolean capture
    Map<String, Object> params
CreditCardCharge creditCardCharge = CreditCard.createAuthorization("...", "test_id", 75000, "...", "123", false);

Create a charge

You can choose whether want to put the attributes as parameters or to put in inside a Map object.

    String tokenId,
    String externalId,
    Number amount,
    String authenticationId,
    String cardCVN,
    String descriptor
    Map<String, Object> params
CreditCardCharge creditCardCharge = CreditCard.createCharge("...", "test_id", 75000, "...", "123", "lorem ipsum");

Reverse an authorization

CreditCard.reverseAuthorization(String chargeId, String externalId);

CreditCardReverseAuth creditCardReverseAuth = CreditCard.reverseAuthorization("1234567", "external_id");

Capture a charge

CreditCard.captureCharge(String chargeId, Number amount);

CreditCardCharge creditCardCharge = CreditCard.captureCharge("12345678", 55000);

Get a charge by ID

CreditCardCharge creditCardCharge = CreditCard.getCharge("1234567");

Create a refund

CreditCard.createRefund(String id, Number amount, String externalId);

CreditCardRefund creditCardRefund = CreditCard.createRefund("1234567", 50000, "external_id");

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Batch Disbursement Services

Batch disbursement item

BatchDisbursementItem item =
        .bankAccountName("Lorem Ipsum")
        .description("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet")
        .emailTo(["email1", "email2"])
        .emailCC(["email1", "email2"])
        .emailBcc(["email1", "email2"])

Create a batch disbursement

    String reference,
    BatchDisbursementItem[] disbursements

Get banks with available disbursement service

AvailableBank[] banks = BatchDisbursement.getAvailableBanks();

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Cardless Credit Services

Cardless credit item

CardlessCreditItem item =
        .name("Phone Case")

Cardless credit customer details

CardlessCreditCustomer customer =

Cardless credit shipping address

CardlessCreditShippingAddress address =
        .address("Jalan teknologi")

Create a cardless credit payment

You can choose whether want to put the attributes as parameters or to put in inside a Map object.

    String cardlessCreditType,
    String externalId,
    Number amount,
    String paymentType,
    CardlessCreditItem[] items,
    CardlessCreditCustomer customerDetails,
    CardlessCreditShippingAddress shippingAddress,
    String redirectUrl,
    String callbackUrl
    Map<String, Object> params
CardlessCredit cardlessCredit = CardlessCredit.create(

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Make sure the the code passes all tests.

./gradlew test


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