Demo project for spring cloud contract verifier xml bug

This is a repository to show that spring cloud contract has a bug when generating the code to test xml contracts with namespaces.


The repository is confomed by a contract contracts/example.yml which has a contract with a response body which is an xml which has a name space. Adocker-compose.yml file that starts a mock service in mountebank and runs the spring test runner container.

How to reproduce

Just run

docker-compose up -d

Expected result

The tests pass and the generated tests:


validate the xml contract.

assertThat(valueFromXPath(parsedXml, "/customer/email/text()")).isEqualTo("");

Actual result

The test pass but the generate test validation is wrong

assertThat(valueFromXPath(parsedXml, "/ns1:customer/email/text()")).isEqualTo("");

Also removing the namespaces from the xml fixes the problem.