Ticketfly Platform Engineer Coding Exercise

Simple Server

Write a simple server in a JVM language of your choosing that will bind to a port and listen for TCP requests. The server should not run in a container. It should be able to be started with a 'java -jar TflyServer.jar'. The server should accept string requests and give string responses. I should be able to connect to the server and execute a request with something simple like telnet:

> telnet localhost 4567
telnet> my_request_string

Included Service

Included with the exercise is a jar with a mock service, TflyService. This service will accept a string and return the string reversed. The service might throw a TflyServiceException. If an exception is thrown, the service should be retried.

Message Sequence

The server response should include the string returned from the TflyService along with a response sequence id that increments with every response.

If I execute two requests in telnet, I should see something like

> telnet localhost 4567
telnet> ticketfly

ylftekcit 12
telnet> is_rad

dar_si 13

Sequence Synchronization

A request string might have a sequence number after it separated by a space. If the sequence number is larger than the current sequence number in the server, the server must reset its sequence number to at least one higher than the passed in number.

If I execute a request including a sequence number, I should see something like

> telnet localhost 4567
telnet> ticketfly

ylftekcit 12

telnet> is_rad 789

dar_si 790

telnet> and_ticketmaster_isnt

tnsi_retsamtekcet_dna 791

Server Specification

  • The requests passed to the server will be dictionary words with no spaces or punctuation, except underscores are acceptable
  • The server must handle concurrent requests
  • Feel free to handle invalid requests in your own way


Send the code and executable jar to [code@ticketfly.com].

The Solution

The present solution handles concurrent requests by the use of Nio, continuations and actors. Invalid requests are handled by closing the connections that sent them. Connections that send valid requests are kept open so more requests can be sent over.

The server can be run from the sbt project

sbt run

or from a jar (included in the target folder of the project for convenience)

java -jar TflyServer.jar

The project also includes tests that can be run via

sbt test

and the jar can be generated via

sbt assembly