
Install from Pipfile, if there is one:

$ pipenv install

Or, add a package to your new project:

$ pipenv install <package>

This will create a Pipfile if one doesn’t exist. If one does exist, it will automatically be edited with the new package you provided.

Next, activate the Pipenv shell:

$ pipenv shell
$ python --version

To deactivate the pipenv:



To run the tests:

pipenv run pytest

To display the output then add the following options:

pipenv run pytest -rx

To run marked test use:

pytest -m <markername> -v

where can be, for this repository:

pipenv run pytest -m great
  • Pipenv install vs pip install

If you are installing using a pipenv environment you should always install your packages using pipenv, this way it will update your pipfile.lock file. Also be careful because pip install will pretty much work anywhere, it's not installing packages to your virtual environment, it's installing them into your computer. Pipenv will update your Pipfile.lock and actually install into your pipenv virtual enviroment if you have one open.

It's rarely a good idea to pip install outside of a virtualenv.


pipenv run python tests/assertion/test_unittest_special_assertions.py
pipenv run python -m unittest discover

If the above command is not finding any tests is becuase you didn't create a init.py for every folder: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5088960/python-m-unittest-discover-does-not-discover-tests
