
Kubernetes Vagrant Libvirt Testbed Environment

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Kubernetes Vagrant Libvirt Testbed Environment

This is the environment in which we test this project, the idea is to have a simple environment that allows us to eliminate as much as possible the moving parts that can interfere with our objectives. We will complicate the environment as we need more specialized components. In the following section we outline the architecture of this virtual environment.

Vagrant installation notes here.

Big Picture

Vagrant logical picture

Kubeadm logical picture

Technology used in this testbed


Kubeadm is a tool built to provide kubeadm init and kubeadm join as best-practice "fast paths" for creating Kubernetes clusters. We are using kubeadm as the basis of all deployments will make it easier to create conformant clusters.

The kubeadm version matches the Kubernetes version realeasing: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases

Kubeadm is an "in-tree" development within kubernetes source code. https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/tree/master/cmd/kubeadm

Container Runtime Interface (CRI): cri-o project

The CRI-O container engine provides a stable, more secure, and performant platform for running Open Container Initiative (OCI) compatible runtimes. You can use the CRI-O container engine to launch containers and pods by engaging OCI-compliant runtimes like runc, the default OCI runtime, or Kata Containers. CRI-O’s purpose is to be the container engine that implements the Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface (CRI) for CRI-O and Kubernetes follow the same release cycle and deprecation policy.

CRI-O’s stability comes from the facts that it is developed, tested, and released in tandem with Kubernetes major and minor releases and that it follows OCI standards. For example, CRI-O 1.11 aligns with Kubernetes 1.11. The scope of CRI-O is tied to the Container Runtime Interface (CRI). CRI extracted and standardized exactly what a Kubernetes service (kubelet) needed from its container engine. The CRI team did this to help stabilize Kubernetes container engine requirements as multiple container engines began to be developed.

For more information visit the Kubernetes versioning documentation. CRI-O follows the Kubernetes release cycles with respect to its minor versions (1.x.0). Patch releases (1.x.y) for CRI-O are not in sync with those from Kubernetes, because those are scheduled for each month, whereas CRI-O provides them only if necessary. If a Kubernetes release goes End of Life, then the corresponding CRI-O version can be considered in the same way.

This means that CRI-O also follows the Kubernetes n-2 release version skew policy when it comes to feature graduation, deprecation or removal. This also applies to features which are independent from Kubernetes.

Container Network Interface (CNI): flannel project

In this lab we will use as CNI the Flannel project, the CNI is independent of our tests in the first instance. However, we use this one for simplicity and we will leave more sophisticated CNIs for future tests.

kube-flannel.yaml has some features that aren't compatible with older versions of Kubernetes, though flanneld itself should work with any version of Kubernetes.

Vagrant Post installation steps

Initialize kubeadm master

sudo kubeadm init \
        --control-plane-endpoint=k8s-master.kubernetes.lan \
        --upload-certs \
        --apiserver-advertise-address= \

Initialize kubeadm workers (on each worker)

sudo kubeadm join k8s-master.kubernetes.lan:6443 --token <TOKEN_GIVEN_IN_INIT> \
        --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash <HASH_GIVEN_IN_INIT>

Install CNI

[vagrant@k8s-master ~]$ sudo kubectl --kubeconfig /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/flannel-io/flannel/master/Documentation/kube-flannel.yml

Some checks

[vagrant@k8s-master ~]$ sudo kubectl --kubeconfig /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf get nodes
NAME                          STATUS   ROLES           AGE     VERSION
k8s-master.kubernetes.lan     Ready    control-plane   7m22s   v1.24.6
k8s-worker01.kubernetes.lan   Ready    <none>          5m30s   v1.24.6
k8s-worker02.kubernetes.lan   Ready    <none>          5m3s    v1.24.6
k8s-worker03.kubernetes.lan   Ready    <none>          4m39s   v1.24.6
k8s-worker04.kubernetes.lan   Ready    <none>          4m15s   v1.24.6
[root@k8s-master ~]$ sudo kubectl --kubeconfig /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf get pod -A
NAMESPACE      NAME                                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kube-flannel   kube-flannel-ds-gvmjw                               1/1     Running   0          2m57s
kube-flannel   kube-flannel-ds-hpjrt                               1/1     Running   0          2m57s
kube-flannel   kube-flannel-ds-ppms7                               1/1     Running   0          2m57s
kube-flannel   kube-flannel-ds-r6vzp                               1/1     Running   0          2m57s
kube-flannel   kube-flannel-ds-wpkpt                               1/1     Running   0          2m57s
kube-system    coredns-6d4b75cb6d-jnrrm                            1/1     Running   0          7m35s
kube-system    coredns-6d4b75cb6d-qh7mj                            1/1     Running   0          7m35s
kube-system    etcd-k8s-master.kubernetes.lan                      1/1     Running   0          7m49s
kube-system    kube-apiserver-k8s-master.kubernetes.lan            1/1     Running   0          7m49s
kube-system    kube-controller-manager-k8s-master.kubernetes.lan   1/1     Running   0          7m50s
kube-system    kube-proxy-5xstz                                    1/1     Running   0          7m35s
kube-system    kube-proxy-67zh7                                    1/1     Running   0          5m10s
kube-system    kube-proxy-b645r                                    1/1     Running   0          5m34s
kube-system    kube-proxy-mmx9w                                    1/1     Running   0          6m1s
kube-system    kube-proxy-wjr5j                                    1/1     Running   0          4m46s
kube-system    kube-scheduler-k8s-master.kubernetes.lan            1/1     Running   0          7m50s

Setup Kubeconfig

kubeconfig multicluster setup.

Postinstallation Steps

Install Local Persistence Volume Static Provisioner

k apply -f provision/postinstall/localstorageclass.yaml
$ sh provision/postinstall/check-pv-mounts.sh
local-pv-181d371d mount point /mnt/disks/k8s-worker03_vdg
local-pv-1aab77a mount point /mnt/disks/k8s-worker02_vdh
local-pv-1f754c41 mount point /mnt/disks/k8s-worker01_vdg
local-pv-2438eead mount point /mnt/disks/k8s-worker02_vdg 

Install Kubernetes NFS Subdir External Provisioner

k apply -f provision/postinstall/nfsremotestorageclass.yaml
k apply -f provision/postinstall/test-nfs-pod.yaml