
A PHP session handler that uses memcached to store session with multiple servers, failover and replication support.

Primary LanguagePHP


A PHP session handler that uses memcached to store session with multiple servers, failover and replication support.


  • Works with pecl/memcache and pecl/memcached client libraries
  • Support 1 or more memcached servers configuration
  • Support data replication
  • Support failover
  • Very configurable



// set memcached session handler
    'lifetime'      => 0,     // session lifetime in seconds, by default session.gc_maxlifetime php config
    'random_read'   => true,  // when true the server chosen reading will be random, if not will try with the first in the list
    'replicate'     => true,  // will copy the same data in all servers
    'failover'      => true,  // if one fails then read from another server
    'servers'       => array( // server array list, port separated with ':'