
Sending an image over LoRa, one pixel at a time

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Lora Image Sender

Made during Hackers & Designers Summer Academy 2017, On & Off the grid. During this workshop we were introducted to LoRa, a low-power, low-bandwidth network technology using The Things Network (TTN).

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slowimage_sender.py takes an image and converts it to bytes. When ready, the Arduino (programmed with ttn_img_sender.ino) will request four bytes from this script and send them over LoRa. It will then sleep for about a minute before requesting the next four bytes. slow_receiver.py uses MQTT to connect to TTN to get the sent data and will try to rebuild the image.

This repo contains a 3x3 image (test.png) for quick testing, and buda.png which is the image we worked with during the workshop.

More info on the used node hardware can be found here. The two needed Arduino libraries can be downloaded here.