An easier way of handling config options for client-side apps. Specially when it comes to changing settings and upgrading.
var config = require('getset').load('/path/to/config/file');
config.set('foo', 'bar');
config.get('foo'); // 'bar'{
if (!err) console.log('Saved successfully!')
var config = require('getset');
config.load('/file/that/will/be/read/asynchronously', function(err){
if (!err) config.update('foo', 'bar'); // will set() and save()
config.on('changed', function(){
console.log('Hold on, someone just changed something!')
- Singleton. Require from anywhere and you'll get the same object.
- Uses a single, readable .ini file for persistence.
- Restricts setting key/values to what's already in there.
- Can sync with updated/new config files without overwriting existing values.
- Can watch the config file for changes and reload + notify if it happens.
- Has no dependencies.
Written by Tomás Pollak.
(c) 2012 Fork Ltd. MIT licensed.