
Slides and samples used for BGOUG Presentation about ruby-plsql and ruby-plsql-spec

Primary LanguageRuby

Samples and slides for Oracle PL/SQL Unit testing with ruby-plsql-spec


Here I'm maintaining some materials related to my talk given at BGOUG Fall conference on 20 Nov 2015: Oracle PL/SQL Unit testing with ruby-plsql-spec

It's about unit testing and TDD using Ruby, RSpec, ruby-plsql and ruby-plsql-spec

Presentation Slides

[Oracle PL-SQL unit testing with ruby-plsql-spec.pptx](Oracle PL-SQL unit testing with ruby-plsql-spec.pptx)

Demo project

To run it:

  • Install Ruby

  • Setup your test schema: you may use setup_test_user.sql for the purpose

  • Copy spec/database.yml.sample to spec/database.yml. Modify accordingly

  • From the project directory run

    bundle install
  • To trigger the build & tests when files are changed (monitored paths are configured in Guardfile - you can run guard

Running with maven

A pom.xml example is provided for running the project using Maven and JRuby (how to setup Maven may be found elsewhere).

  • You need to register for the Oracle Maven Repository - in order to resolve Oracle JDBC driver dependencies.
  • In spec/database.yml you should prefix database name with slash (/) in case you're using connection by host:pord/service-name (instead of host:pord:SID)
  • From the project directory run
mvn verify

Setup and configuration files

  • Gemfile - dependencies
  • Rakefile - Rake build file. Has tasks for source deployment and running tests
  • deploy.list - list of database objects to be deployed.
  • src - database source files are under src
  • setup.rb - simple utility used by Rakefile to deploy deploy.list
  • Guardfile - Guard configuration file for triggering the build whenever files are saved
  • spec/database.yml - specify database connection details here