interview questions

  • 17th august 2020 - given an unordered list of ints, move all zeroes to the end in O(n) time or less
  • 24th august 2020 - find how many letters there are in a given string
  • 31st august 2020 - given a list of ints representing stock prices, find when to buy and sell for maximum profit
  • 14th september 2020 - given a monotonic increasing array of integers, find the length of the longest fibonacci-like sequence
  • 21st september 2020 - given array of integers representing asteroids, destroy them based on ruleset, and return the final state
  • 28th september 2020 - given people objects with name and slices of pizzas they want to eat and number of slices a pizza can be cut, how many pizzas do we need to order?
  • 5th october 2020 - find lowest value in a previously sorted and rotated array of ints
  • 16th november 2020 - find special pairs of indexes where the values match but the indexes are different in a given array of ints
  • 7th december 2020 -multiply two strings of integers without using built in math functions
  • 28th december 2020 - find the occurence of "2020" in a given string of "2"s and "0"s without using the built in string indexOf (or similar) implementation
  • 3rd may 2021 - given a positive or negative real number, round it to the next whole integer closer to zero
  • 10th may 2021 - given an integer n, return true if n^3 and n have the same set of digits.
  • 7th june 2021 - given three numbers, return their product. But, if one of the numbers is the same as another, it does not count: If two numbers are similar, return the lonely number. If all numbers are same, return 1.
  • 14th june 2021 - given a direction, and a number of columns, write a function that outputs an arrow of asterisks
  • 12th july 2021 - given an IPv4 address and a netmask in CIDR notation, return a boolean specifying whether the IP address is inside the given range.
  • 9th august 2021 - given a grid size, and a set of mines (in pairs of rows and columns), generate the Minesweeper grid for that set of mines.
  • 16th august 2021 - given a string, find the longest palindrome
  • 30th august 2021 - Write a function to find the longest common prefix string in an array of strings.
  • 13th september 2021 - given n pairs of parentheses, generate all possible combinations
  • 11th october 2021 - check whether a given number is odious (has odd number of 1s in its binary representation)
  • 18th october 2021 - reorder an array of letters in the order that an array of integers says
  • 8th november 2021 - given an array of integers, return the index of each local peak in the array
  • 22nd november 2021 - given an array of strings, group the anagrams together in separate arrays
  • 29th november 2021 - given a string of numbers, return the possible text combinations a phone can return
  • 21st march 2022 - given a list of times, find the smallest interval between them
  • 28th march 2022 - given a string of | and *, how many *s are in closed compartments (have a | on either side of them someplace)
  • 16th may 2022 - given two integer arrays of size n, return a new array of size n such that n consists of only unique elements and the sum of all its elements is maximum.
  • 30th may 2022 - function to check whether all chars are unique in a string
  • 5th september 2022 - write a generator function that generates values as you call the same function again and again
  • 12th september 2022 - will the dvd logo hit a corner? when will it do so?
  • 26th september 2022 - function that will attach an ordinal suffix to a positive integer
  • 3rd october 2022 - function fib-like that takes three numbers, creates a fibonacci sequence using the first two that's as long as the third
  • 21st november 2022 - function that prints a line of slashes / backslashes as a vertical squiggle