
air quality readings

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

air quality


This project scraps live pollution readings for cities and stores them in mongodb.

Data sources

Pollution readings are currently:

Data Model

  • A reading scraped from Twitter is saved as follows (structure is not final):

    {u'data': {u'concentration': 84.0,
               u'display': {u'en': u'Unhealthy (at 24-hour exposure at this level)',
                            u'fr': u''},
               u'index': [166, u'AQI'],
               u'missing': False,
               u'pollutant': u'PM2.5'},
     u'raw': u'02-11-2014 08:00; PM2.5; 84.0; 166; Unhealthy (at 24-hour exposure at this level)',
     u'reading_id': 433031445540372480L,
     u'source': {u'display_name': u'BeijingAir',
                 u'screen_name': u'BeijingAir',
                 u'type': u'twitter',
                 u'user_id': 15527964},
     u'type': {u'hour_from': datetime.datetime(2014, 2, 11, 8, 0),
               u'hour_to': None,
               u'nature': u'hourly'}}

Project Setup

  • During deployment, you need to set several environment variables:
  • This project is deployed using docker. See project airquality-docker for detals.

Project todos

  • Add support for postgreSQL.
  • Change code in setup.py back to original checking for git projects.


  • Gavin Bong