
String Diagrams for Ring-and-Rope Puzzles

Primary LanguageAgda

String Diagrams for Ring-and-Rope Puzzles

This repository contains a formalisation of string diagrams used to solve ring-and rope puzzles.

Tested with Agda (might be fragile due to the use of rewrite pragmas)


  • StrictNat.agda a version of the natural numbers strictified by some additional rewrite rules.
  • Diags.agda contains the definition of the diagrams.
  • Arity.agda contains short cuts for operations with greater arity.
  • Identities.agda other identities derived from the diagram laws.
  • Sliding.agda contains sliding laws.
  • Bracket.agda formalises brackets over n strings.
  • BraidingNaturality.agda proves the naturality of the braiding.
  • InverseBraiding.agda constructs the inverse of the (lax) braiding.


  • RingOnString.agda formalises the solution of freeing a ring from a loop of string.
  • 2x2Block.agda formalises the puzzle (but not yet the solution) of a more complex puzzle.