This lib allows you to generate sample json documents from an Apache Avro schema.
To use it you have to wrap your schema in an avsc schema and call the function avscJsonSample()
from this library
Install avsc and avsc-json-sample libs
npm i avsc avsc-json-sample
Then use it in your code
const avro = require("avsc");
const { avscJsonSample } = require("avsc-json-sample");
const avscType = avro.Type.forSchema({
type: "record",
fields: [
{ name: "kind", type: { type: "enum", symbols: ["CAT", "DOG"] } },
{ name: "name", type: "string" },
{ name: "age", type: "int" },
const jsonSample = avscJsonSample(avscType);
console.log(jsonSample); // { kind: 'CAT', name: 'string', age: 0 }
Have fun š¤©