Anagrams: Performance Comparison of Different Approaches in Google Chrome

In this study, the performance of four different approaches to identify anagrams in Google Chrome was analyzed:

  1. Using an Object (areAnagrams1)
  2. Using a Map (areAnagrams2)
  3. Using a limited array (areAnagrams3)
  4. Using a regular array (areAnagrams4)


The results obtained for each approach:

  • Object: 105.4 ms
  • Map: 28 ms
  • Limited Array: 5.5 ms
  • Array: 6.9 ms


Based on the research results, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  1. Limited array (areAnagrams3) proved to be the fastest approach, taking only 5.5 ms.
  2. Regular array (areAnagrams4) showed slightly worse results, taking 6.9 ms.
  3. Map (areAnagrams2) came in third place with an execution time of 28 ms.
  4. Object (areAnagrams1) showed the worst result, taking 105.4 ms.

Thus, to identify anagrams with the highest performance in Google Chrome, it is recommended to use the limited array approach (areAnagrams3).