
Customer Segmentation using Python, Numpy, Pandas, Sckit learn, Scipy,matplotlib and seaborn

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Customer Segmentation using Python, Numpy, Pandas, Sckit learn, Scipy,matplotlib and seaborn

Dataset OnlineRetail.csv contains all the transactions occuring between 01-Dec-2010 and 09-Dec-2011 for a UK-based and registered non-store online retail.

Steps involve in the Customer Segmentation are categorized into following:

  1. Reading and Understanding Dataset.
  2. Cleaning the Data.
  3. Data Preparation.
  4. Building the Model.
  5. Final Analysis.

Dataset Description

Outlier Analysis Insights is shown below:

In the customer segmentation, I have used the K-Means CLustering Algorithm

K-Means is one of the simplest and useful Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithm. To find the optimal number of clusters, I have used Elbow Method. Elbow method plot is shown below:

After performing all the necessary processing and implementing model, we have got different insights that shows relation between cluster and attributes:

1. Cluster ID VS Amount

1. Cluster ID VS Frequency

1. Cluster ID VS Recency