- 0
Future of the project
#23 opened by romanov - 2
Unable to launch in Ubuntu 14.04
#19 opened - 1
Doesn't work on 64 bits mac
#22 opened by 743v45 - 1
- 0
Package is of Bad Quality for linux
#20 opened - 0
.git pack file very large
#18 opened by tjbell - 5
Makefile or build script
#2 opened by yocontra - 2
Can I Help? Build tool
#15 opened by AlexKvazos - 17
Missing dependency (libgtk)
#4 opened by abahdanovich - 0
File too big for Hyro
#14 opened by GrosSacASac - 1
Deb file is broken
#13 opened by TheHippo - 9
.git\objects\pack dir is 120mb
#9 opened by TimNZ - 1
Can't run from menu (Linux distribution)
#11 opened by ap13p - 4
Crashes on launch (OSX 10.6)
#10 opened by unforswearing - 1
Check out these tabs...
#8 opened by PAEz - 1
Emmet support
#7 opened by crazy4groovy - 4
- 1
Missing libudev to start Hyro
#5 opened by skvggor - 1
Allow WebInspector
#6 opened by PAEz - 2
how to build?
#1 opened by max-mapper