This project implements the base RV32I ISA. We do not include anything beyond the base user-mode ISA but it is sufficient to run programs compiled by GCC with some custom ecalls to observe IO.
The repository includes a hello world program in C that can be compiled with the gcc toolchain. A precompiled version is available under cli/test_programs/hello_world. A small assembly shim is used to initialize a small stack for it to execute in and ecall is used to putc whatever is in x10 to the cli. To executed it we run:
~/risc-v-emulator/cli master $ RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo run -- --program ./test_programs/hello_world
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.01s
Running `target/debug/risc-v-emulator --program ./test_programs/hello_world`
Loading program
Writing program into memory from index 0
Hello World
The instruction decoder is tested in lib/src/instruction/
There are tests for each opcode under
The core fetch-decode-execute loop is tested under lib/src/cpu/