
An interface server connecting django-channels and IRC

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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Django Channels IRC is a bridge between IRC and Django's channels. It contains both a new interface server for connecting to IRC and Channels consumers -- everything you need to turn your Django app into an IRC chatbot, chat monitoring/moderating service, or whatever else you might use a real-time IRC client to do.


Full docs available at django-channels-irc.readthedocs.io



Install the package from pip:

pip install channels-irc

Basic Usage

  1. Add the library to INSTALLED_APPS:

  2. Create a Consumer

    Django Channels IRC contains two consumers for interacting with the IRC Client: IrcConsumer and AsyncIrcConsumer:

    from channels_irc import IrcConsumer
    class MyIrcConsumer(IrcConsumer):
        def welcome(self, channel):
            Optional hook for actions on connection to IRC Server
            print('Connected to server {}:{} with nickname'.format(server, port, nickname)
        def disconnect(self, server, port):
            Optionl hook fr actions on disconnect from IRC Server
            print('Disconnect from server {}:{}'.format(server, port)
        def my_custom_message(self):
            Use built-in functions to send basic IRC messages
            self.send_message('my-channel', 'here is what I wanted to say')
        def my_custom_command(self):
            You can also use built-in functions to send basic IRC commands
            self.send_command('join', channel='some-other-channel')
  3. Add your consumer(s) to your router

    You can use the irc type in channels ProtocolTypeRouter to connect your new consumer to the interface server, and ensure your irc messages are delivered to the right place:

    from channels.routing import ProtocolTypeRouter
    from myapp.consumers import MyIrcConsumer
    application = ProtocolTypeRouter({
        'irc': MyIrcConsumer,
  4. Start the interface server

    The interface server can be started by simply running this in the command line:


    The server requires that the server, nickname, and application properties be set. The application should be an import string pointing to the location of your app's ASGI application. Hence, if your app was named myapp, contained an ASGI filed called asgi.py, and your ASGI application is named my_application, you could start the server by running:

    channels-irc -s 'irc.freenode.net' -n 'my_irc_nickname' -a 'myapp.asgi:my_application'

    You can also set these values using the env variables CHANNELS_IRC_SERVER, CHANNELS_IRC_NICKNAME, and CHANNELS_IRC_LAYER.