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Alain Lemaire

Wandering problem-solver, critical-thinker and perpetual student. Omnivorous and voracious when it comes to code. I've spent the past five years empowering people through technology and, along the way, helped revolutionize how humanitarian aid organizations understand, access and use information. After Felix Baumgartner'ing into the world of software development, I'm looking to join an organization that cares about software craftsmanship, that demands the best of what I know and drives me to learn more of everything I don't. Next stop: the next level.


Mobile and Web Development

  • Through an intensive, twelve-week bootcamp at Makers Academy, I've built a strong foundation in agile software development, with a focus on testing, object-oriented programming and code cleanliness.
  • I have experience with SOLID OOP in both Ruby and JavaScript across a range of application interfaces, from minimalist CLIs to dynamic frontends and RESTful APIs.
  • An enthusiastic autodidact, I can pick up unfamiliar languages and frameworks quickly and confidently.
    • With no prior mobile development experience, I learned Swift and the Xcode IDE well enough to prototype a native iOS application in three days.
    • I learned Java and IntelliJ IDEA, along with the JUnit, Mockito and Powermock testing frameworks, to deliver a test-driven tech test submission in four days.
Project Team Size Description Technologies
Moments 5 Makers Academy final project. A social mobile app that allows people to share and view experiences on a map, updated in real-time. Swift, Xcode, Firebase, AWS S3, Facebook SDK (iOS), XCTest, Quick
ThermostatJS 2 An extendable thermostat JavaScript application with a jQuery front end. JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, CSS
GithubCreep 4 A single-page application for searching GitHub user profiles via JSON requests. AngularJS, Github API, Protractor, Karma
MakersBnB (Heroku) 5 An AirBnB clone that allows users to list, update and book properties, as well as intelligently confirm, deny and prevent bookings based on a property's availability. JavaScript, jQuery, Ruby, Sinatra, PostgreSQL, Cloudinary API, RSpec, Capybara, Rake


I have over eight years of professional and volunteer work experience building, leading and working on teams across various industries. Whether pair-programming or collaborating as part of a larger group, I recognize the essential benefits of good teamwork and continuously strive to learn from, support and openly share ideas and opinions with my teammates.

  • As a member of several project teams at Makers Academy, I worked with other students to define tasks, establish Git workflows (code reviews!) and merge completed tickets into unified MVP codebases.
  • In response to the Libyan Civil War (2011), I coordinated the crisis mapping efforts of 500+ online UN volunteers and managed a volunteer team responsible for contributing data analysis and visualization to UN OCHA's $408M revised regional appeal.
  • Together with other senior technicians and management at New York University, I prioritized and delegated support tickets to junior staff, minimizing ticket response times and critical service downtime for 60,000+ students, faculty and staff.
  • As a Core Team member at the Standby Task Force, I worked with partner organizations and interagency committees to assess situational needs of formal humanitarian actors and develop information services that increased the efficiency and efficacy of humanitarian response.


Having lived in eight countries across five continents and having helped run a distributed global network of 1,200+ online volunteers respond to humanitarian crises, I thrive in the face of new and changing situations. I have extensive experience working across cultures, languages and timezones, both in-person and remotely. I welcome any opportunity to work with new people in new ways and reliably maintain composure and productivity under the pressures of changing deadlines and specifications.


Sharing my knowledge with others isn't just incredibly gratifying, it's the best way to reinforce what I know—and what I don't!



Makers Academy (January 2016 – April 2016)

  • Cultivated a passion for and curiosity about code
  • Software Craftsmanship, Extreme Programming (XP)
  • Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, jQuery, Node.js, AngularJS, PostgreSQL, AWS, Heroku
  • RSpec, Capybara, Jasmine

University College London (September 2014 – September 2015)

  • MSc Information Science
  • Distinction
  • Dissertation: "Assessing the Quality of Volunteered Information for Humanitarian Crisis Response"

New York University (January 2007 – May 2013)

  • BA International Studies
  • 3.57 GPA
  • Founders' Day Award Scholar


Standby Task Force (August 2012 – September 2014)
Core Team Member (Volunteer Operations)

United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (March – June 2011)
Data Coordinator

New York University (September 2007 – December 2010)
Senior Desktop Support Technician