The Java Network

A Makers Academy tech test


A Java codebase for building a social network that allows for users to be created, publish messages, subscribe to other users and see an aggregated feed of their subscribees' messages.


Design modeled after Sandro Mancuso's solution to the Bank Kata (Java).

Experience and Challenges

  • This tech test forced me to get over my inexplicable xenoglossophobia towards Java!
  • Learning JUnit, Mockito and Powermock was intense; finally implementing their features was extremely gratifying.
  • Can see more of the power of the Java language.


  • Build an application interface.
  • Add timestamp support to Message instances.
  • Extract presentation responsibilities out of TimelinePrinter and SubscriptionsAggregator classes.
  • Revisit certain design decisions:
    • Class interfaces and encapsulation (e.g., public User#getMessages getter method)
    • User class constructor dependency injection


User creating: a new user called Spike can be created
Posting: Spike can publish messages to a personal timeline
Reading: Spike can view Nikesh’s timeline
🚧 Following: Leo can subscribe to Spike and Nikesh's timelines, and view an aggregated list of all subscriptions