
Fake shopping app task

Primary LanguageDart

Primary Bid Task


This project was used as an attempt to come up with an architecture that minimises boilerplate whilst still adhering (loosely) to Clean Architecture guidelines. I also wanted to try using a 'feature-first' approach rather than 'layer-first'. https://codewithandrea.com/articles/flutter-project-structure/

As such here's the structure...


  • feature
    • auth
    • cart
    • categories
    • login
    • product
      • model
      • product_repository
      • product_data_sources
  • presentation
    • categories_screen
    • login_screen
    • product_list_screen
      • cubit
      • widgets
      • product_list_screen

With this architecture a 'feature' is not considered a screen(s), instead it's 'something the app can do'. If we skim the feature directory, we can easily see all the functionality available to us as developers (auth, cart, login etc). This allows us to build Screens and their corresponding state management service (in this case Bloc/Cubit) and use the features as reusable chunks of functionality.

There is no domain layer here. With mny goal of minimising boilerplate in mind I decided to skip it. UseCases/Interactors were merely useless facades for our repositories and due to using Freezed to generate our entities no Model/Entity mapping was required. If we want to change our Data classes we need only do it in one place and then regenerate the files.

I'm not suggesting I'd always use this architecture but it fit this project's requirements nicely and allowed for speedy development without restricting the ability to easily test everything that should be tested.


Due to my hardware limitations this project has only been tested on an Android device.


I used the simple http package for requests in the project however the https://fakestoreapi.com/ server's response is really slow. If I’d known this upfront I would have opted for the Dio Http package with request caching.

Cart Behaviour

I read the requirements very literally 'Each button should add/remove products from the state'. A such the cart will only allow you to add one of each Product at a time. I realise this probably isn't the expected behaviour. If I had more time I'd update this to allow for adding multiples of the same product.


Again due to time constraints I haven't achieved a full test coverage but hopefully you can see how this architecture allows for ease of testing with the few tests that do exist. I've provided a few unit tests for each feature layer (repository and data sources) and some BlocTests in the bloc layer. See categories_cubit_test.dart. UI and Integration tests aren't included but they could be given extra time.