Blockchain (web3) | NFT-rarity | Django | Celery | Redis | PostgreSQL


This project uses Django, celery and flower for asynchronous tasks and to interact with the Ethereum blockchain in order to fetch NFT collection metadata.

You need two things to interact with a smart contract:

  • The smart contract address
  • The Application Binary Interface (ABI)
  • Infura API Key in order to talk to ETH blockchain

Both of these can be found on Etherscan

NFT JSON metadata consists of text and images stored on InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), which represents a distributed file system. Rarity Tools was one of the first projects that one could use to calculate NFT rarity. We calculate rarity using the very same formula:

[Rarity Score for a Trait Value] = 1 / ([Number of Items with that Trait Value] / [Total Number of Items in Collection])

Celery and Redis are used to offload NFT fetching into Async tasks, as one could try to fetch hundreds of NFTs at once, but also because free Infura API enforces rate limiting.


To build containers navigate to the root folder containing docker-compose.yml file and execute:

docker-compose up --build --detach

Tested on: macOS Monterey 12.6 and latest Archlinux