Hi my name is Jax! 👋

🚀 About Me

I am a Happiness Engineer at System76 and also the Discord Administrator! I am always willing to help out and aid where I can!

🔗 Links

Discord Reddit User Karma Twitter Follow

Other Common Github Profile Sections

👩‍💻 I'm currently working on my D&D World and how I can use coding and github to help orgnize and create it.

🧠 I'm currently learning...

📫 How to reach me Discord!

  • Join The System76 Discord and ping me or send a message. Spam is not appriated but ask tp to DM.

😄 Pronouns: he/him/his

🛠 Skills

I know a tiny bit of Haskell, but I am always down to start learning and know more about the world of coding.
