Sample ROS Image Publisher/Subscriber

The following code was implementable on the Jetson Nano DOFBOT Arm Robot. This system uses Ubuntu 18.04, and had ROS Melodic installed.


To view some of the instructions of how this ROS package was built on the Jetson Nano DOFBOT Arm Robot (and some citations and resources), see doc/

Building ROS Package

Execute to build the ROS package. It should be prebuild for you though, and you should really only need to run source devel/setup.bash, and maybe rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y to install dependencies.

Run Nodes

After correctly setting everything up by following and running source devel/setup.bash, you can launch the provided .launch file.

roslaunch cv_basics cv_basics_py.launch

You should then see an image window opened, as well as messages on the terminal noting the publisher/subscriber nodes sending/receiving data.

Alternatively, you can just run ./ to source the setup and launch the launch file. Please note, you will need your ROS environment previously setup before running this script.