CS 1440 Sample Project: Caesar Cipher


This project is dedicated to the development and deployment of a Caesar Cipher project. Unit tests are to be created and provided with the final product to ensure the cipher works as intended.

The repository for this project will also serve the purpose of allowing students to study a project repository that follows the conventions of the USU CS1440 course.


  • Create a working Caesar Cipher
  • Become familiar with the command line interface
  • Learn the basics of the git version control system
    • Understand the benefits of version control
  • Review Python language concepts
    • Arithmetic & logic
    • Modular arithmetic
    • Loops & conditions
    • String operations
    • Processing command line arguments
  • Opening and reading text files in Python
  • Creating a helpful usage message for the user
  • Create unit tests for the Caesar Cipher program
  • Demonstrate project development conventions in the CS1440 course