
github web site data for github repositories

Github Repositories for Joe Koebbe

This site is maintained to offer people access to applications I have written over the past years/decades. There are a lot of codes that I have written in a variety of languages. For example, I wrote a basic black oil simulator (approximately 350,000 lines of Fortran 77 code) for my dissertation many years ago on a pair of DEC VAX machines at the Univerisity of Wyoming in Fortran. Another project involves the simulation of the Gambler's Ruin problem written in Java. The code for all projects that I have completed (or mostly completed) are freely available to all who want to use the codes responsibly.

Please note that the codes are provided with no warranty or any other guarantees. You are welcome to modify the code, but do not expect me to modify codes to meet your needs or to correct problems that have occured due to modifications you have made to the existing codes. However, I will likely not make huge changes to other codes unless the modifications are for bugs or problems with existing codes that have some problem with the underlying logic or mathematics (or something like that). Note that I am a bit new to Github and some of these links are still being filled in. Please bit patient if you click on a link and there is no page on the other end.

How to Get Ahold of the Author of this Mess:

Joe Koebbe has worked for Utah State University (USU) for more than 30 years. Even though he is a faculty member in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, in the College of Science at USU, he mostly works on computational projects from home. Appointments can be se up via email and messages left on voice mail.

You can contact Joe using the following links:

  1. Joe's Website link: USU Website
  2. Joe's Email Address: email
  3. Campus Phone: 1-435-797-2825
  4. Office: ANSC 209

Repositories for Classes Currently Taught or Taught in the Past

For some of the classes taught at USU, course materials have been posted on Github. The following links will take the interested user user to several courses. These are basic links. If you are interested in the contents, find the syllabus for each of these courses. A good share of the links for classes will take you Joe's web site at USU.

  1. Math 4610 Materials
  2. Math 2280 ODEs (fall 2017)
  3. Math 4610 Fund. of Comp. Math (fall 2017)

Repositories Related to Specific Projects

Some materials developed from classes have resulted in repositories for specific applications. These are listed in this section. As more of these are created the list will become longer. Note that the applications may be in a variety of programming languages. For example, the Gamblers Ruin application is written in Java. The use of Java was determined a number of years ago when the object was built for a course taught at USU.

  1. Gamblers Ruin Codes

Repositories for Research Projects Involving Coding

The following links will take you to research projects and the like that are in various states of completion.

  1. Wavelets Conditioned on Numerical Methods for Conservation laws
  2. Homogenization Wavelet Reconstruction Method
  3. JHomogenizer Code

You can use the editor on GitHub to maintain and preview the content for your website in Markdown files.

Links to Other Resources:

The following links are included for interested readers.

  1. USU Webpages: USU Webpages
  2. Github Editor Link: Github is Cool
  3. Github MarkDown Documentation: documentation
  4. Github Support Contact: contact support
  5. Github Markdown Docs: GitHub Flavored Markdown

last modified: January 5, 2019