
A small Node.JS RESTful API server for Tenable

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a Node.JS application providing basic RESTful API server for Tenable.


This application uses Node.JS and MongoDB backend for data storage, therefore MongoDB is required. Install Node.JS, and then MongoDB by following the [official install|http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/installation/] instructions and add a new database.

After prerequisites is installed, clone this repo, and run npm install:

$ git clone git://github.com/jaxyeh/tenable.git
$ cd tenable
$ npm install

You will need to copy config.json.example to config.json, then adjust the configuration to your machine setup. After it's configured, run the server.

$ cp config.json.example config.json
$ npm start

For this demo, HTTP Basic Auth Username and Password is hardcoded as admin and password. You can find the user object stored at /models/Users.js.

API Documentation

While Node.JS Server is running, open web browser and go to:


Note: You may need to replace port address

Testing Code

The system comes with [Mocha|http://visionmedia.github.io/mocha/] and [Hippie|https://github.com/vesln/hippie] tools to provide end-to-end API testing. You can run the test with the following command:

$ npm test

Note: Unit tests or BDD assertion tests is not yet included, the application is too small with lack of extensible functions for further testing. Hopefully API testing is suffice.

Generate & Import "fake" configurations data

Run fakeit.js to generate fake data into fakedata.json json file (~27MB):

$ node fakeit.js

Import the fake data into MongoDB using mongoimport tool.

$ mongoimport --db <database_name> --collection configurations --file fakedata.json

Quick and dirty way to retrieve thousands entries

Usually, web browser does not do well with viewing very large data. You might get better experience using curl queries instead.

$ curl http://<user>:<pass>@localhost:8080/v1/config?limit=100000