
filterable table that displays movie results from movies.json. , Uses firebase to power the commenting backend.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

POC :: React With Firebase


  • Make a filterable table that displays movie results from movies.json.
  • Use firebase to power the commenting backend.

How to run the code

  • Step1 npm install
  • Step2 npm start

Explanation of architecture

Architecture Diagram

Possible Improvements

  • Use DataTables like https://react-table.js.org/#/story/readme for Paginaltion and Performance (Lazy Loading)
  • Can use the table library in this project
  • If the scope of project is big and there would be a lot of flow of state, would implement redux
  • Write test cases that covers more scenarios

To Run Tests

  • npm run test to run the App test press a to run all tests
Notes :
- Can use datatables or added pagination did not do because it was an evaluation task .
- Api should support pagination for better performace