
This is repo for NGINX Workshop.

Primary LanguageShell

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Modern app infrastructure and dev teams love NGINX Plus. More than just the fastest web server around, NGINX Plus brings you everything you love about NGINX Open Source, adding enterprise‑grade features like high availability, active health checks, DNS system discovery, session persistence, and a RESTful API.

NGINX Plus is a cloud‑native, easy-to-use reverse proxy, load balancer, and API gateway. Whether you need to integrate advanced monitoring, strengthen security controls, or orchestrate Kubernetes containers, NGINX Plus delivers with the five‑star support you expect from NGINX.

NGINX Plus provides scalable and reliable high availability along with monitoring to support debugging and diagnosing complex application architectures. Active health checks proactively poll upstream server status to get ahead of issues, and the integrated live activity monitoring dashboard provides a single‑pane view of your app environment. The NGINX Plus API enables integration with your existing tools, optimizing resources and reducing tool sprawl.

NGINX Workshop (UDF Lab Guide)

This Repository contains all the necessary files to successfully configure an NGINX Plus instance fully functional as Reverse Proxy, Web Server, Load Balancer, Cache Manager, Metrics Dashboard, API Gateway, IP Allow/Deny, SSL Termination, Rate Limiting, Active Health Checking, Security with NGINX App Protect and Kubernetes Ingress Controller.

F5 UDF Lab is built upon a few Ubuntu 18.04 instances and also has a Windows Jump Box for performing certain tests. The purpose of this LAB is for internal, partner and customer training and hands-on experience with features of NGINX Plus.


Davis Li, Giriraj Rajawat, Rajesh Bavanantham & Sean Maritz.