
KIC Demo - Rate Limiting, Access Control List, API Key Authentication & Header Based Routing


KIC Demo - Rate Limiting, Access Control List, API Key Authentication & Header Based Routing


Have a working K8s Environment ( I used Docker Desktop installed on my local macintosh laptop )

Have an Ingress Controller image built and available for Helm to pull from ( I created an nginx-plus-ingress image on my local machine, did not push it to a cloud based repository )

Install KIC via HELM:

helm install my-release nginx-stable/nginx-ingress --set controller.image.repository=nginx-plus-ingress --set controller.nginxplus=true --set controller.enableSnippets=true --set controller.enablePreviewPolicies=true

Deploy the Demo, Tea/Coffee Application:

kubectl apply -f cafe.yaml
kubectl apply -f cafe-secret.yaml
kubectl apply -f cafe-virtual-server.yaml
# Replace the IP Address in the command below with the one for your KIC Installation
curl -H "Host: cafe.example.com" --insecure

Rate Limiting: Via Policy

kubectl delete -f cafe-virtual-server.yaml

kubectl apply -f cafe-virtual-server-1.yaml

kubectl apply -f rate-limit.yaml
# Replace the IP Address in the command below with the one for your KIC Installation
curl -H "Host: cafe.example.com" --insecure

You should get 503 - Service Temporarily Unavailable message

Access Control List: Via Policy

kubectl delete -f cafe-virtual-server-1.yaml

kubectl apply -f cafe-virtual-server-2.yaml

kubectl apply -f access-control-policy-allow.yaml

kubectl apply -f access-control-policy-deny.yaml
# Replace the IP Address in the command below with the one for your KIC Installation
curl -H "Host: cafe.example.com" --insecure

You should get 403 - Forbidden Error

API Key Authentication: Via Snippets

kubectl delete -f cafe-virtual-server-2.yaml

kubectl apply -f cafe-virtual-server-3.yaml
# Replace the IP Address in the command below with the one for your KIC Installation
curl -H "Host: cafe.example.com" --insecure -I
200 OK
# Replace the IP Address in the command below with the one for your KIC Installation
curl -H "Host: cafe.example.com" --insecure -I
401 Unauthorized / Unauthenticated
# Replace the IP Address in the command below with the one for your KIC Installation
curl -H "Host: cafe.example.com" -H "apikey: mGcjH8Fv6U9y3BVF9H3Ypb9T" --insecure -I
200 OK

Header based Routing: Native

kubectl apply -f cafe-virtual-server-4.yaml
# Replace the IP Address in the command below with the one for your KIC Installation
curl -H "Host: cafe.example.com"
curl -H "Host: cafe.example.com"
# Replace the IP Address in the command below with the one for your KIC Installation
curl -H "Host: cafe.example.com" -H "Drink: tea"
# Replace the IP Address in the command below with the one for your KIC Installation
curl -H "Host: cafe.example.com" -H "Drink: coffee"