
Simple example demonstrating how to route traffic to specific upstreams based on the client_ip address.


Simple example demonstrating how to route traffic to specific upstreams based on the client_ip address.

Based on the $remote_addr of the CLIENT, Stream Context will dynamically route the request to one of the two upstreams. If the request originates from localhost, i.e. map is able to identify a match on, it will print the port of the server you have been routed to - 2011, in this example.

If the request originates from anywhere else, map directive will use the default upstream, in our case it will be routed to upstream listening on port 2012 -

Run from the NGINX Instance box: nc -w 1 2007

expected output - 2011

Run from your local computer: nc -w 1 <ip_nginx_instance> 2007

expected output - 2012