The design pattern being used is a Page Object Model. POM is used to have reusable WebElements/small helper methods separated from the actual test classes, allowing for cleaner code and easier test maintenance.

Getting Started

  1. Install Python 3.x https://www.python.org/downloads/
    Optionally, you can create a virtual env to isolate Python dependencies between projects

  2. In a terminal install the following packages:
    pip install selenium
    pip install pytest

  3. Add Python 3.x to your PATH environment variable

How to add python PATH in windows

  • Search 'env'
  • Edit the System Environment Variables
  • Click on 'Environment Variables' button
  • Click on 'New' in the System Variable section
  • Enter PYTHONPATH in the Variable name field
  • Enter in the Variable value field C:\Python[version];C:\Python[version]\DLLs;C:\Python[version]\lib;C:\Python[version]\Scripts;
  • Select and click Edit on 'path' the list of system variables
  • add %PYTHONPATH% to the end existing Path variable value
  • open a terminal /cmd promp and type python. Should be able to run the interpreter and see the python version

  1. Clone repo to your local machine

Driver Setup

A driver is separate executable that WebDriver uses to control Browsers. Use links below to get started:

Chrome Driver

Firefox Driver

#Note: Check Firefox + Chrome version & Selenium version compatibility before downloading geckodriver.

How to evoke browsers

  • download chromedriver and extract the file
  • copy file in desired location > Add path to executable_path variable in your tests
  • driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path = 'C:\\chromedriver.exe')

Running Tests Locally

To execute the tests just browse to the path where the selenium project is located in your terminal and type: py.test tests/home/login_tests.py

Repository Details

Directory structure - NOTE: Base, Config, Utils will be implemented at a later date

|__base: DriverFactory and PageFactory
|__config: For all configurations and credential files
|__page: Put your Page Objects in here
|__tests: Put your tests in here
|__utils: Base Loggers are kept in this folders


NOTE: Will be implemented in later date Log files are created with each test and if the test fails a screenshots is taken to provide further information about what happened if they failed. The screenshots reside in the ./screenshots directory and can be viewed locally in your IDE

Commands for Running Tests

a)py.test [options]

-s	used to display the output on the screen	
-v      increase verbosity
-h	help for more options 
-n 	used to run tests in parallel

example: py.test -s -v sfcc/tests/login/login_tests.py
