
Ruby SDK for PayPal RESTful APIs

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION

PayPal REST API Ruby SDK Build Status

The PayPal REST SDK provides Ruby APIs to create, process and manage payment.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'paypal-sdk-rest'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install paypal-sdk-rest


For Rails application:

rails g paypal:sdk:install

For other ruby application, create a configuration file(config/paypal.yml):

development: &default
  mode: sandbox
  client_id: EBWKjlELKMYqRNQ6sYvFo64FtaRLRR5BdHEESmha49TM
  client_secret: EO422dn3gQLgDbuwqTjzrFgFtaRLRR5BdHEESmha49TM
  # # with Proxy
  # http_proxy: http://proxy-ipaddress:3129/
  # # with CA File
  # ssl_options:
  #   ca_file: config/cacert.pem
  # # Override Endpoint
  # rest_endpoint: https://api.sandbox.paypal.com
  <<: *default
  mode: live
  client_id: CLIENT_ID
  client_secret: CLIENT_SECRET

Load Configurations from specified file:

PayPal::SDK::Core::Config.load('spec/config/paypal.yml',  ENV['RACK_ENV'] || 'development')

Without configuration file:

  :mode => "sandbox", # "sandbox" or "live"
  :client_id => "EBWKjlELKMYqRNQ6sYvFo64FtaRLRR5BdHEESmha49TM",
  :client_secret => "EO422dn3gQLgDbuwqTjzrFgFtaRLRR5BdHEESmha49TM",
  :ssl_options => { } )

Logger configuration:

PayPal::SDK.logger = Logger.new(STDERR)

# change log level to INFO
PayPal::SDK.logger.level = Logger::INFO

NOTE: At DEBUG level, all requests/responses are logged except when mode is set to live. In order to disable request/response printing, set the log level to INFO or less verbose ones.

OpenIDConnect Samples

require 'paypal-sdk-rest'

# Update client_id, client_secret and redirect_uri
  :openid_client_id     => "client_id",
  :openid_client_secret => "client_secret",
  :openid_redirect_uri  => "http://google.com"
include PayPal::SDK::OpenIDConnect

# Generate URL to Get Authorize code
puts Tokeninfo.authorize_url( :scope => "openid profile" )

# Create tokeninfo by using AuthorizeCode from redirect_uri
tokeninfo = Tokeninfo.create("Replace with Authorize Code received on redirect_uri")
puts tokeninfo.to_hash

# Refresh tokeninfo object
tokeninfo = tokeninfo.refresh
puts tokeninfo.to_hash

# Create tokeninfo by using refresh token
tokeninfo = Tokeninfo.refresh("Replace with refresh_token")
puts tokeninfo.to_hash

# Get Userinfo
userinfo = tokeninfo.userinfo
puts userinfo.to_hash

# Get logout url
put tokeninfo.logout_url

Create Payment

require 'paypal-sdk-rest'
include PayPal::SDK::REST

  :mode => "sandbox", # "sandbox" or "live"
  :client_id => "EBWKjlELKMYqRNQ6sYvFo64FtaRLRR5BdHEESmha49TM",
  :client_secret => "EO422dn3gQLgDbuwqTjzrFgFtaRLRR5BdHEESmha49TM")

# Build Payment object
@payment = Payment.new({
  :intent => "sale",
  :payer => {
    :payment_method => "credit_card",
    :funding_instruments => [{
      :credit_card => {
        :type => "visa",
        :number => "4567516310777851",
        :expire_month => "11",
        :expire_year => "2018",
        :cvv2 => "874",
        :first_name => "Joe",
        :last_name => "Shopper",
        :billing_address => {
          :line1 => "52 N Main ST",
          :city => "Johnstown",
          :state => "OH",
          :postal_code => "43210",
          :country_code => "US" }}}]},
  :transactions => [{
    :item_list => {
      :items => [{
        :name => "item",
        :sku => "item",
        :price => "1",
        :currency => "USD",
        :quantity => 1 }]},
    :amount => {
      :total => "1.00",
      :currency => "USD" },
    :description => "This is the payment transaction description." }]})

# Create Payment and return the status(true or false)
if @payment.create
  @payment.id     # Payment Id
  @payment.error  # Error Hash

Get Payment details

# Fetch Payment
payment = Payment.find("PAY-57363176S1057143SKE2HO3A")

# Get List of Payments
payment_history = Payment.all( :count => 10 )

Execute Payment

Only for Payment with payment_method as "paypal"

payment = Payment.find("PAY-57363176S1057143SKE2HO3A")

if payment.execute( :payer_id => "DUFRQ8GWYMJXC" )
  # Success Message
  # Note that you'll need to `Payment.find` the payment again to access user info like shipping address
  payment.error # Error Hash

Create Future Payment

Future Payments sample is available here

Webhook event validation

See webhook event validation code sample and webhook event validation docs

OpenID Connect

# Update client_id, client_secret and redirect_uri
  :openid_client_id     => "client_id",
  :openid_client_secret => "client_secret",
  :openid_redirect_uri  => "http://google.com"
include PayPal::SDK::OpenIDConnect

# Generate authorize URL to Get Authorize code
puts Tokeninfo.authorize_url( :scope => "openid profile" )

# Create tokeninfo by using Authorize Code from redirect_uri
tokeninfo = Tokeninfo.create("Replace with Authorize Code received on redirect_uri")

# Refresh tokeninfo object

# Create tokeninfo by using refresh token
tokeninfo = Tokeninfo.refresh("Replace with refresh_token")

# Get Userinfo
userinfo = tokeninfo.userinfo

# Get Userinfo by using access token
userinfo = Userinfo.get("Replace with access_token")

# Get logout url
logout_url = tokeninfo.logout_url

Bitdeli Badge


To make Payouts, you should enable this option in your account at http://developer.paypal.com.

@payout = Payout.new(
    :sender_batch_header => {
      :sender_batch_id => SecureRandom.hex(8),
      :email_subject => 'You have a Payout!',
    :items => [
        :recipient_type => 'EMAIL',
        :amount => {
          :value => '1.0',
          :currency => 'USD'
        :note => 'Thanks for your patronage!',
        :receiver => 'shirt-supplier-one@mail.com',
        :sender_item_id => "2014031400023",

  @payout_batch = @payout.create
  logger.info "Created Payout with [#{@payout_batch.batch_header.payout_batch_id}]"
rescue ResourceNotFound => err
  logger.error @payout.error.inspect