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C++ File System and C++ Classes and Objects Based Project in which you can save all your Transactions. (only for windows)
this is simple login page of eprison
simple login page
A web based project using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, PHP, JQuery, AJAX and MAMP
new react project from youtube by hitesh choudary
Boilerplate for a simple CMake-based C++ project
This is a simple and easy to integrate e-commerce design template based on Bootstrap 4.
This is practice automation project
this is simple landing page.
jay2404's Repositories
this is simple landing page.
C++ File System and C++ Classes and Objects Based Project in which you can save all your Transactions. (only for windows)
this is simple login page of eprison
simple login page
A web based project using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, PHP, JQuery, AJAX and MAMP
new react project from youtube by hitesh choudary
Boilerplate for a simple CMake-based C++ project
This is a simple and easy to integrate e-commerce design template based on Bootstrap 4.
This is practice automation project
I have created a simple projects in G1ANT RPA software
This is a web application for online health store. It is based on the languages such as Java, JavaScript, HTML and SQL. This project simply allows customers and administrators to order the products using pre-defined credentials. It includes certain E-commerce web application functionalities such as Add To cart, Remove from cart, View Products, Update stocks, Order items etc.. Administrators have high level of privileges compared to ordinary users. See the Read me file for instructions to run this project.
just another repository
Simple Angular HeroApp from angular official
Config files for my GitHub profile.
this is my portfolio website.
This is simple and easy use Movie Recommendation of system to provide movie related to what you type in search box and its poster.
we will learn creating server in node.js
Major project
Personal project using Pima Indians Diabetes to analyse it and make predictions using Machine Learning techniques.
Introduction Storms and other severe weather events can cause both public health and economic problems for communities and municipalities. Many severe events can result in fatalities, injuries, and property damage, and preventing such outcomes to the extent possible is a key concern. This project involves exploring the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) storm database. This database tracks characteristics of major storms and weather events in the United States, including when and where they occur, as well as estimates of any fatalities, injuries, and property damage. Data The data for this assignment come in the form of a comma-separated-value file compressed via the bzip2 algorithm to reduce its size. You can download the file from the course web site: Storm Data [47Mb] There is also some documentation of the database available. Here you will find how some of the variables are constructed/defined. National Weather Service Storm Data Documentation National Climatic Data Center Storm Events FAQ The events in the database start in the year 1950 and end in November 2011. In the earlier years of the database there are generally fewer events recorded, most likely due to a lack of good records. More recent years should be considered more complete. Assignment The basic goal of this assignment is to explore the NOAA Storm Database and answer some basic questions about severe weather events. You must use the database to answer the questions below and show the code for your entire analysis. Your analysis can consist of tables, figures, or other summaries. You may use any R package you want to support your analysis. Questions Your data analysis must address the following questions: Across the United States, which types of events (as indicated in the EVTYPE variable) are most harmful with respect to population health? Across the United States, which types of events have the greatest economic consequences? Consider writing your report as if it were to be read by a government or municipal manager who might be responsible for preparing for severe weather events and will need to prioritize resources for different types of events. However, there is no need to make any specific recommendations in your report. Requirements For this assignment you will need some specific tools RStudio: You will need RStudio to publish your completed analysis document to RPubs. You can also use RStudio to edit/write your analysis. knitr: You will need the knitr package in order to compile your R Markdown document and convert it to HTML Document Layout Language: Your document should be written in English. Title: Your document should have a title that briefly summarizes your data analysis Synopsis: Immediately after the title, there should be a synopsis which describes and summarizes your analysis in at most 10 complete sentences. There should be a section titled Data Processing which describes (in words and code) how the data were loaded into R and processed for analysis. In particular, your analysis must start from the raw CSV file containing the data. You cannot do any preprocessing outside the document. If preprocessing is time-consuming you may consider using the cache = TRUE option for certain code chunks. There should be a section titled Results in which your results are presented. You may have other sections in your analysis, but Data Processing and Results are required. The analysis document must have at least one figure containing a plot. Your analyis must have no more than three figures. Figures may have multiple plots in them (i.e. panel plots), but there cannot be more than three figures total. You must show all your code for the work in your analysis document. This may make the document a bit verbose, but that is okay. In general, you should ensure that echo = TRUE for every code chunk (this is the default setting in knitr). Publishing Your Analysis For this assignment you will need to publish your analysis on If you do not already have an account, then you will have to create a new account. After you have completed writing your analysis in RStudio, you can publish it to RPubs by doing the following: In RStudio, make sure your R Markdown document (.Rmd) document is loaded in the editor Click the Knit HTML button in the doc toolbar to preview your document. In the preview window, click the Publish button. Once your document is published to RPubs, you should get a unique URL to that document. Make a note of this URL as you will need it to submit your assignment. NOTE: If you are having trouble connecting with RPubs due to proxy-related or other issues, you can upload your final analysis document file as a PDF to Coursera instead. Submitting Your Assignment In order to submit this assignment, you must copy the RPubs URL for your completed data analysis document in to the peer assessment question.
Site html/css + media queries (responsive)
End to end code for the email spam classifier project
Package, distribute, and update any app for Linux and IoT.
this is our minor project
Seamlessly adds a swagger to WebApi projects!