
When we hit what happens? Don’t focus too much on architecture (Monolithic, SOA, Microservices, etc.). Try to focus more on how the web functions.

When you hit the clients web browser sends requests to the server for elements such as images, text and obviously web pages.

From start to finish how does that data reach you to be rendered in the browser?

The browser receives the packets of data and that data is then converted from characters to tokens then to nodes. Nodes are then linked to data structures in the DOM.

What code is rendered in the browser?

HTML, CSS, Javascript, XML

What is the server-side code’s main function?

To facilitate requests made by the users client and to send information to the client.

TO make an http response and deliver data to the Client.

What is the client-side code’s main function?

To retrieve information, data from the server. To make an HTTP request to retrieve data.

How many instances of the client-side assets (HTML, CSS, JS, Images, etc.) are created?

The amount of instances created are determined by the browser, the browser imposes limits on storage capacity.

How many instances of the server-side code are available at any given time?

As many as provided by the RAM on the server.

What is runtime?

When a program is running or being executed.

How many instances of the the databases connected to the server application are created?

As many as provided by the working memory of the server.